Wednesday, March 26, 2008
the secrect to health
today i read the secrect to health and it was amaaxing hwo alot of things was cured and im going to to have pergacyt uision....with in 3 day i will have perfact eye sight...amazing right....
I will be SP in 3 day time ..becos i walk like an SP talk like an SP and act like and SP
The resaon i want to fo SP is becos i want to prove to Sang that im a man of my word...this is the only way i can do it....
I am SP on Stange at the march BBS
I will be SP in 3 day time ..becos i walk like an SP talk like an SP and act like and SP
The resaon i want to fo SP is becos i want to prove to Sang that im a man of my word...this is the only way i can do it....
I am SP on Stange at the march BBS
Monday, March 24, 2008
Anaylise this
I learn 2 things this month 1st u need to build relationship...mitch sala talked about it in his cd "how to do better with team 21" his a really good at building relationship....some else he mention if u start up a person the right way he will give u pv for life. Bob andrews mention it in his cd "the perpous of your 3 teams" he meation the start up is really important...there are 3 things that u need to do with a new person...the are builders packs, start up and dittos...Ditto...we must spend time to do DITTO and Get the LIST!!!!!
I am a Master Product Mover
I am a Master Product Mover
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I know wat makes me happy and that is food....thinking of it...remembering the taste of my favour pasteries....yeah
Dream 35 I have abundance of food.
Dream 35 I have abundance of food.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I know u are a very successful jus curious why are u looking for options
Proud (Dream 34)
Today Li yin and me learn about -ve energy...its important to have +ve energy...she was frustrated and when she did work every line was we took a break and calm down and she could do the question... Interesting
Dream 34 My parents are proud of me
Dream 34 My parents are proud of me
Monday, March 17, 2008
I deserve to be SP

I deserve to be SP becos I pass out 4 contact cds a day.
I deserve to be SP becos I am grateful for the things I have in life.
I deserve to be SP becos I listen to more then 2 cds a day.
I deserve to be SP becos I give my best to my downline.
I deserve to be SP becos I invest in tools.
I deserve to be SP becos I duplicate myself.
I deserve to be SP becos I am genuinely concern about my family.
I deserve to be SP
I am SP at the March 08 BBS
Nuts and Bolts(Dream 33)
Today was a very exciting nuts and bolts...I had to do tapes and books..i had know idea wat to do...i look at the notes and its BORING...on la i jus wanted to get my point across in a fun it took me quite a while to figure it out...then i realise that promote books and tape in 2 form the 1st is to use them as tools...the second is a form of make sure that they fully understand i played why bsm 1st(using the tool to teach) i gave them an example of duplaction new ppl played pass the msg...then i showed how to use cds to promote function...i promoted 16 planner meeting...i showed mats holmberg
Dream 33 I give $50 tips becos I can

Dream 33 I give $50 tips becos I can

Saturday, March 15, 2008
50 PND(Dream 32)

'Dream 32 I am driving my new BMW Z8
Bloody exciting can....i dont know where to start...1st kok hong bring propect stp with him...frank form myammar very exciting...stp with very rusty but getting better...then went through with our stregy with kin sang...he told me what me and shelia need to do....i need to sit down with a number of we where sharing cds...i cant get a couple things out of my head 1st sean henderson says that u need to make a decision to put 20 ppl personally in ur a rate of 4 apps per month...if u do this no matter at which point u are at in the biz u will be set up to be an emerald(go lc fast feb lcd)....the other is mitch sala and how good he is with ppl skills...its crazy how good he did he become so good?...where he learned from...wat price did he have to pay..sang told us that there is one team that duplicate passing out 50 pnd a month per person...and in a year his group grow 1000 ppl...crazy...i so want to do that....u know that it cost $325 for 50 pnd..its worth it....
this is how i picture myself on stage as a new SP
with vince and bei on my right and shelia on my left....this is what im going to say
Hey name is Muslim and in an undergrade....there are 3 things that i want to share...1st...this SP is my upline and this SP is my downline...I believe we all can go SP together...we all can go Platium....we all can go Emerald and we all can go Diamond...2nd i know there are some of u that are out there that are at the lowest point right now...u need this...u need to go SP...need to meet Jim and Nancy...I havent meet them but Emerald direct Arlene said at a JB weekend.. that u need to be touch by their hear and this for u...and Last Ibu this is for u...
I am standing on stage as a new Silver producer on the March 08 BBS

Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Secret(Dream 31)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Fatiah!!!!!!(Dream 30)
She is so amazing at the BOP la...its crazy jus going to type a couple of things that she said..
Conneting the dream to the Plan?
Dream -------------------------------->Plan
spend 10-15mins is mechinacal
Getting the dream
-Why is ____(dream) important to you
-If you were to continue working in your job/biz, can it help you achieve your dream of ____?
-If you were to work harder, spend longer time in the day in your job/biz, can it help you get ____(dream).
(ask how will that make u feel...promp frustarted?...disappointed)
-If that is so, does it make sense that you should look for an alternative (another way) to achieve your dreams of ____.
-Let me show you an alternative...
-Your dream is _____.
(dont ask what u think of the biz
ask what do u think?
If they say this biz is not for them or some reason the biz is no good.
Tell them I'm not hear to find out what you feel about the biz...the question is ...)
-Can you see how the Amway biz opportunity can help you achieve your dream of _____.
-If yes, let's get started so the team can help you achieve results quickly.
-If no, how else can you achieve your dreams of ____? Have you found another way?
-What if the Amway biz opportinunity can help you achieve ____?(dream)
-Are you willingto risknot even giving it a try?
-So why not we get you registed and started right away.
you got to be firm with them and connect to their dream
There more la...but this one i type so i can
Dream 30 People love to be around me because I am great at connecting to them

Conneting the dream to the Plan?
Dream -------------------------------->Plan
spend 10-15mins is mechinacal
Getting the dream
-Why is ____(dream) important to you
-If you were to continue working in your job/biz, can it help you achieve your dream of ____?
-If you were to work harder, spend longer time in the day in your job/biz, can it help you get ____(dream).
(ask how will that make u feel...promp frustarted?...disappointed)
-If that is so, does it make sense that you should look for an alternative (another way) to achieve your dreams of ____.
-Let me show you an alternative...
-Your dream is _____.
(dont ask what u think of the biz
ask what do u think?
If they say this biz is not for them or some reason the biz is no good.
Tell them I'm not hear to find out what you feel about the biz...the question is ...)
-Can you see how the Amway biz opportunity can help you achieve your dream of _____.
-If yes, let's get started so the team can help you achieve results quickly.
-If no, how else can you achieve your dreams of ____? Have you found another way?
-What if the Amway biz opportinunity can help you achieve ____?(dream)
-Are you willingto risknot even giving it a try?
-So why not we get you registed and started right away.
you got to be firm with them and connect to their dream
There more la...but this one i type so i can
Dream 30 People love to be around me because I am great at connecting to them

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Shaw Jean Again!!!!(Dream 29)

I am standing on stage as a new Silver Producer at March BBS 08
That lady is jus only a select few got counciling session with shaw jean...go 2 things out of her today...1. edification of upline...most of us take our upline for granted because they are always there...we should apprater them more and edif them which we hardly do..we dont rush propects to them...and stuff
the second is 16 planner...back to basics...most of us run out of list are we doing any thing about it...are we propecting becos in vietnam its so easy...are we doing it...back to basic
edifcation + 16 planner then duplicate it
And her story about charlie...charlie is amazing and the power of the secret
we watch a couple of videos today and one of them is the mats holmberg video and its on youtube...he was the reason i went LC and it was worth it
Dream 29 I am sitting down and having coffee with Mats Holmberg
u dont want to high also get
and il divo i believe in you
"i believe in you" - céline dion & il divo
lonely the path you have chosen
a restless road no turning back
one day you will find your light again
don't you know
don't let go be strong
follow your heart
let your love lead through the darkness
back to a place you once knew
i believe, i believe, i believe in you
follow your dreams
be yourself an angel of kindness
there's nothing that you cannot do
i believe, i believe, i believe in you
tout seul, tu t'en iras tout seul
coeur ouvert à l'univers
poursuis ta quête
sans regarder derrière
n'attends pas
que le jour se lève
suis ton étoile
va jusqu'où ton rêve t'emporte
un jour tu le toucheras
si tu crois, si tu crois, si tu crois en toi
suis ta lumière
n'éteins pas la flamme que tu portes
au fond de toi souviens toi
que je crois, que je crois, que je crois en toi
someday i'll find you
someday you'll find me too
and when i hold you close
i know that it's true
follow your heart
let your love lead through the darkness
back to a place you once knew
i believe, i believe, i believe in you
follow your dreams
be yourself an angel of kindness
there's nothing that you cannot do
i believe, i believe, i believe in you
i believe, i believe, i believe in you
i believe, i believe, i believe in you
[translation of the french]
all alone, you will go on your way all alone
heart open to the universe
pursue your quest
without looking back
don't wait
for the day to arise
follow your star
go where your dream takes you
one day you will touch it
if you believe, if you believe, if you believe in yourself
follow your light
don't extinguish the flame that you carry
in your heart remember
that i believe, that i believe, that i believe in you
Monday, March 10, 2008
Shaw Jean(Dream 28)
Yesterday we had a health point session with Shaw Jean...and guess what I was the CO HOST...Yeah!!together with Shelia...Vince and Bei was the host was so exciting...she told us that she jus came from a 2 week biz trip to Vietnam!!!!...and 4 that she was in Melbourne for 2 weeks doing HP for group there...and she hasnt gone home...talking about paying the Jean is and amazing lady..from someone who was very arrogance in the start to someone who is so beautiful both inside and out...I cant wait hear her <> story...
I told her my goal for this month i want to go SP...and i asked to motivate my gp to do the work so the pv can move...cos the pv is not moving and its already the second week of the month..this was her advice...
"Do the work and jus believe. Dont worry about the pv. When u keep looking at it, u will worry and the worry will affect ur believe. Remember to sponsor ppl as u do pv or u wouldnt have a biz."
Great words of wisdom from her.
Dream 28 I have am Changing lives around the world.

I am standing on stage as a new Silver Producer at the March 08 BBS

I told her my goal for this month i want to go SP...and i asked to motivate my gp to do the work so the pv can move...cos the pv is not moving and its already the second week of the month..this was her advice...
"Do the work and jus believe. Dont worry about the pv. When u keep looking at it, u will worry and the worry will affect ur believe. Remember to sponsor ppl as u do pv or u wouldnt have a biz."
Great words of wisdom from her.
Dream 28 I have am Changing lives around the world.

I am standing on stage as a new Silver Producer at the March 08 BBS

Sunday, March 09, 2008
Chào các em(Dream 27)
Today we had our mid term...its kind like a cooking mid-term..its dam fun la...our group did fried spring roll...i cant believe what went in the spring roll...yam, vercemilli, prawn, crab and smelly
Dream 27 I have a huge biz in Vietnam..and im having lots of fun traveling and visiting my partners there

I am standing here as a New Silver Producer on the March 08 BBS

Dream 27 I have a huge biz in Vietnam..and im having lots of fun traveling and visiting my partners there

I am standing here as a New Silver Producer on the March 08 BBS

Saturday, March 08, 2008
Dream Stealer(Dream 26)
Dream stealers
I notice that are dream stealers not only in my life but in everybody's life even those that are not in the biz.
Lin Yin my student and Mei Yin's sister...i was wondering why she isnt working as hard as she should cos she want to go to VJC...its like freaking 5 points la...but thats not the point..she is having doubt of going to VJC cos ppl are stealing her dream...the friends tell her horror stories about how tough the culture is there was a person that go in and left cos they couldnt take the pressure...even worst is that her teachers are dream stealers...horror stories like teachers will force u to study and if u dont move up they will push u...she doesnt mind peer pressure but stress like this even i wont be jumping for joy to get into VJC...her parents jus want her to study hard and everyone has high hope for her...but no one is protecting her least im in the biz i have cds, books, functions and upline to protect my dream...but wat about can i protect her dream
Jo too i jus msn with him...he told me he was down cos he did very badly for a paper and it affected his performance the pass few day...i use to confident conversation method dig up wat his is dream...cos i want to know how come he cannot 100% focus even though he know wat to do...he wants to go i never knew i ask him is he letting bad test going to steal the dream of going to NUS-Duke?
I am grateful that im in this biz cos it thought me how to protect my dream
Dream 26 I am able to give ppl strength to achieve their dreams
My recognition this how i would like to be edified
I like many of us spend most of our life being told to shut up and work...But once and a while there are some that would stand up use the power of partnership to show us that they had the right is about ur is about what u want...the next speaker is a brave young man that is not ready to make it nice...i welcome u <> direct Muslim
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
I'm through, with doubt,
There's nothing left for me to figure out,
I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I know you said
Why can't you just get over it,
It turned my whole world around
and i kind of like it
I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don't mind saying,
It's a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
I notice that are dream stealers not only in my life but in everybody's life even those that are not in the biz.
Lin Yin my student and Mei Yin's sister...i was wondering why she isnt working as hard as she should cos she want to go to VJC...its like freaking 5 points la...but thats not the point..she is having doubt of going to VJC cos ppl are stealing her dream...the friends tell her horror stories about how tough the culture is there was a person that go in and left cos they couldnt take the pressure...even worst is that her teachers are dream stealers...horror stories like teachers will force u to study and if u dont move up they will push u...she doesnt mind peer pressure but stress like this even i wont be jumping for joy to get into VJC...her parents jus want her to study hard and everyone has high hope for her...but no one is protecting her least im in the biz i have cds, books, functions and upline to protect my dream...but wat about can i protect her dream
Jo too i jus msn with him...he told me he was down cos he did very badly for a paper and it affected his performance the pass few day...i use to confident conversation method dig up wat his is dream...cos i want to know how come he cannot 100% focus even though he know wat to do...he wants to go i never knew i ask him is he letting bad test going to steal the dream of going to NUS-Duke?
I am grateful that im in this biz cos it thought me how to protect my dream
Dream 26 I am able to give ppl strength to achieve their dreams
My recognition this how i would like to be edified
I like many of us spend most of our life being told to shut up and work...But once and a while there are some that would stand up use the power of partnership to show us that they had the right is about ur is about what u want...the next speaker is a brave young man that is not ready to make it nice...i welcome u <> direct Muslim
Forgive, sounds good.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
I'm through, with doubt,
There's nothing left for me to figure out,
I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I know you said
Why can't you just get over it,
It turned my whole world around
and i kind of like it
I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don't mind saying,
It's a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
Confident Conversation(Dream 25)
Kin Sang help me do a follow up with Wesley...I realize i need to be more conscience of wat ppl are asking and is that there real concern...and answer them...I was have a problem of answering questions becos i become emotional...i was thinking of a book which has the answer questions but i couldn't remember the answer....i was thinking about it the whole day...i found it at mei yin house....i would have never notice if i did have a goal to improve...i will learn it by hard
I know how to clean the house but i dont like it so ya....
Dream 25 I have the best cleaning service that keeps my house proper

I know how to clean the house but i dont like it so ya....
Dream 25 I have the best cleaning service that keeps my house proper

Friday, March 07, 2008
Goal card(Dream 22, 23 and 24)
Today had couciling with 1 year to me the goal card was a piece of i understand....why is it like tat(structure)
1. When u have a goal u need to take action. so 1st we write about the work to achieve the goal.
2. After u do the work u get results...and that is the second
3. Functions is on of the most important vital signs cannot run away from
4. volume no biz
My goal card for March 08
1. CORE/16 planner(all 7 habits...including reading)
2. Triple pacesetter - 1/1/4
3. 10personal/ 40/5/5gp
4. 3000PV/ 21%/1000pv/1000pv
I have a heartfelt burning desire to a new Silver Producer by March 08 BBS

Dream 22 I have a lan room in my house so everyone can come and play

I love going to Thailand
Dream 23 I am have great fun at the Tiger Tample
Dream 24 I have a beach house in Phuket

1. When u have a goal u need to take action. so 1st we write about the work to achieve the goal.
2. After u do the work u get results...and that is the second
3. Functions is on of the most important vital signs cannot run away from
4. volume no biz
My goal card for March 08
1. CORE/16 planner(all 7 habits...including reading)
2. Triple pacesetter - 1/1/4
3. 10personal/ 40/5/5gp
4. 3000PV/ 21%/1000pv/1000pv
I have a heartfelt burning desire to a new Silver Producer by March 08 BBS

Dream 22 I have a lan room in my house so everyone can come and play

I love going to Thailand
Dream 23 I am have great fun at the Tiger Tample

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Dream 21

Dream 21 I am a new Silver Producer at the March 08 BBS because I want Vince and Beilin to be proud of me
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Decision to go SP(Dream 19 & 20)
Today at BP we talked about the possibility of going SP...not only for me but also for Shelia...its very exciting trying to finish up my game plan doing the work this the words of peter cox..."we'll see"
Goal 1 I am a new Sliver Producer at the March 08 BBS

In the pass i always have a problem with my phone bill...i cant pay it
Dream 19 I have no worries of my phone bill

Part 1 of dream house is to have a walk in closet..i always want alot of clothes...because i always get had me downs ...or ppl dont know me buy for me shirts...and i never had a place to put all the ya that my dream
Dream 20 I have a large and spacious walk in closet

Goal 1 I am a new Sliver Producer at the March 08 BBS

In the pass i always have a problem with my phone bill...i cant pay it
Dream 19 I have no worries of my phone bill

Part 1 of dream house is to have a walk in closet..i always want alot of clothes...because i always get had me downs ...or ppl dont know me buy for me shirts...and i never had a place to put all the ya that my dream
Dream 20 I have a large and spacious walk in closet

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Dream 18
Wow today i worry like mad melo weakness jus too over la...
anyways today was fun..chatted with Andrea cos went to her place to get Malaysia Amway the spell check has the word
anyways...if u dont know i have move to 9 different house in a span of 11 years any im sick of moving...thats why my dream is to have my own house...but 1st i have a transtion...when i got emerald i will by a mansionette jus across the road from my house at pipit road...then im going to buy my dream discribe my dream house i need some time so im going to do this one 1st
Dream 18 I am living in a mansionette on pipit road by Dec 09

anyways today was fun..chatted with Andrea cos went to her place to get Malaysia Amway the spell check has the word
anyways...if u dont know i have move to 9 different house in a span of 11 years any im sick of moving...thats why my dream is to have my own house...but 1st i have a transtion...when i got emerald i will by a mansionette jus across the road from my house at pipit road...then im going to buy my dream discribe my dream house i need some time so im going to do this one 1st
Dream 18 I am living in a mansionette on pipit road by Dec 09

Monday, March 03, 2008
Women's Champion(Dream 16 & 17)
U know i did realise that golf could be so exciting and me golf is rich man and boring game...i always wondered why peter cox is so mad about it...on i know...its a crazy game...and it very easy to understand...each course has a certain no. of hits u are give to complete the course...if u take lesser shots the better...the one with the less shot wins...simple...that its not easy....batting the elements and terrain...
Dream 16 I am playing golf with Peter Cox and Bani

And i Realize i have a huge craving for ice
Dream 17 I have my favour Ben and Jerry's ice cream everyday

Dream 16 I am playing golf with Peter Cox and Bani
And i Realize i have a huge craving for ice
Dream 17 I have my favour Ben and Jerry's ice cream everyday

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Dream 15
Painting Possibilities(Dream 14)
I heard a cd...a <> said that a leaders job is to paint possibilities...and that is wat happen this month...sang painted a possibility that i could be 15% by getting an i did get one...not becos he force me or anything...its becos he painted a possibilities...he said that if i break 15% i would make $600...that means my eSpring cost $1000...where can u get eSpring at that cost?...its true...vince painted a possibility of doing core + eSpring...u know if u do that u will be $1000 pv club...and its not that diffcult to duplicate...when we all when down to get our eSpring...Sang was painting a possibility of Shelia going 15% too...when I painted the possibility with a little bit of work...go at bp vince talk to me...from the look of his face..i told him i know wat u are thinking....painting possiblities...its a beautiful thing...
Dream time i love pastries..jansy use to tell me that when i got to the pastry shop is like a kid at toy r true...i love the softness of the bun as u bite and the warmess at u feel when it goes down...the flavour burst of the mayo, egg and crunchy fresh u can tell i love
Dream 14 I get fresh baked pastries for breakfast every morning

Dream time i love pastries..jansy use to tell me that when i got to the pastry shop is like a kid at toy r true...i love the softness of the bun as u bite and the warmess at u feel when it goes down...the flavour burst of the mayo, egg and crunchy fresh u can tell i love
Dream 14 I get fresh baked pastries for breakfast every morning