< Diamond's Log: Nuts and Bolts(Dream 33)

Monday, March 17, 2008


Nuts and Bolts(Dream 33)

Today was a very exciting nuts and bolts...I had to do tapes and books..i had know idea wat to do...i look at the notes and its BORING...on la i jus wanted to get my point across in a fun way....so it took me quite a while to figure it out...then i realise that promote books and tape in 2 form the 1st is to use them as tools...the second is a form of duplaction...to make sure that they fully understand i played why bsm 1st(using the tool to teach)....next i gave them an example of duplaction new ppl played pass the msg...then i showed how to use cds to promote function...i promoted 16 planner meeting...i showed mats holmberg vcd...AHHHHHHHHH...lol

Dream 33 I give $50 tips becos I can

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