Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Fatiah!!!!!!(Dream 30)
She is so amazing at the BOP la...its crazy jus going to type a couple of things that she said..
Conneting the dream to the Plan?
Dream -------------------------------->Plan
spend 10-15mins is mechinacal
Getting the dream
-Why is ____(dream) important to you
-If you were to continue working in your job/biz, can it help you achieve your dream of ____?
-If you were to work harder, spend longer time in the day in your job/biz, can it help you get ____(dream).
(ask how will that make u feel...promp frustarted?...disappointed)
-If that is so, does it make sense that you should look for an alternative (another way) to achieve your dreams of ____.
-Let me show you an alternative...
-Your dream is _____.
(dont ask what u think of the biz
ask what do u think?
If they say this biz is not for them or some reason the biz is no good.
Tell them I'm not hear to find out what you feel about the biz...the question is ...)
-Can you see how the Amway biz opportunity can help you achieve your dream of _____.
-If yes, let's get started so the team can help you achieve results quickly.
-If no, how else can you achieve your dreams of ____? Have you found another way?
-What if the Amway biz opportinunity can help you achieve ____?(dream)
-Are you willingto risknot even giving it a try?
-So why not we get you registed and started right away.
you got to be firm with them and connect to their dream
There more la...but this one i type so i can
Dream 30 People love to be around me because I am great at connecting to them

Conneting the dream to the Plan?
Dream -------------------------------->Plan
spend 10-15mins is mechinacal
Getting the dream
-Why is ____(dream) important to you
-If you were to continue working in your job/biz, can it help you achieve your dream of ____?
-If you were to work harder, spend longer time in the day in your job/biz, can it help you get ____(dream).
(ask how will that make u feel...promp frustarted?...disappointed)
-If that is so, does it make sense that you should look for an alternative (another way) to achieve your dreams of ____.
-Let me show you an alternative...
-Your dream is _____.
(dont ask what u think of the biz
ask what do u think?
If they say this biz is not for them or some reason the biz is no good.
Tell them I'm not hear to find out what you feel about the biz...the question is ...)
-Can you see how the Amway biz opportunity can help you achieve your dream of _____.
-If yes, let's get started so the team can help you achieve results quickly.
-If no, how else can you achieve your dreams of ____? Have you found another way?
-What if the Amway biz opportinunity can help you achieve ____?(dream)
-Are you willingto risknot even giving it a try?
-So why not we get you registed and started right away.
you got to be firm with them and connect to their dream
There more la...but this one i type so i can
Dream 30 People love to be around me because I am great at connecting to them