< Diamond's Log: Dream 18

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Dream 18

Wow today i worry like mad la...really...my melo weakness jus too over la...
anyways today was fun..chatted with Andrea cos went to her place to get Malaysia Amway stuff...wow the spell check has the word Amway...lol

anyways...if u dont know i have move to 9 different house in a span of 11 years any im sick of moving...thats why my dream is to have my own house...but 1st i have a transtion...when i got emerald i will by a mansionette jus across the road from my house at pipit road...then im going to buy my dream house...to discribe my dream house i need some time so im going to do this one 1st

Dream 18 I am living in a mansionette on pipit road by Dec 09

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