Thursday, February 28, 2008
29 FEB(Dream 13)
End of the month again...going to move pv from bottom going to be 15% i would if i could be 18%...hmmm...oh well...we'll see
Dream 13 I am having a road trip with my team
Dream 13 I am having a road trip with my team
eSpring Challeage (Dream 11 & Dream 12)
My mind is abit occupied with the eSpring challeange so this is going to be a short one...
The 1st one is becos i love rowing and i watch a movie called white water
Dream 11 I am white water rafting in New Zealand

I love movies so i want a cinema at home
Dream 12 I have a cinema at home

The 1st one is becos i love rowing and i watch a movie called white water
Dream 11 I am white water rafting in New Zealand

I love movies so i want a cinema at home
Dream 12 I have a cinema at home

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Yeah(Dream 9 & 10 , DDH1&2)
Today was a much better day Guan Rong came an take to very lucky to have him for a trying to get what GR mom said to me yesterday night out of my head...i tried to wash it down with doug wead but it did i try peter did...i totally flatten grateful to be in peter cox los...there is still abit i need to listen to peter for the next few days....
Dream 9 I have a great relationship with my dad
I have never really had a great relationship with my dad...i only remember him cholaric...i dont really remember his love...but i knew he love me...on the day im reconize as <> i want to ask for this forgiveness for not being the son he wanted.

Dream 10 I have a Ice Blue Nintendo DS Lite

My DDH 1. Min 1 dream entry a night.
2. Talk to my mom eveyday
Dream 9 I have a great relationship with my dad
I have never really had a great relationship with my dad...i only remember him cholaric...i dont really remember his love...but i knew he love me...on the day im reconize as <> i want to ask for this forgiveness for not being the son he wanted.

Dream 10 I have a Ice Blue Nintendo DS Lite

My DDH 1. Min 1 dream entry a night.
2. Talk to my mom eveyday
Sunday, February 24, 2008
WLS(Dream 7 and 8)
Its a long and emotional weekend...a beautiful weekend...jus some sharing b4 i tell some
this was at the leaders meeting..
If u believe (check list to go <>)
1. 100% user
Does other company give u incentive to use their product?
Pak Irfan was saying ppl say he looks younger(he really really looks younger)
becos he doesnt have to see the boss and not have to wake up every morning anymore. Use artistry. U stop aging when u become <>. Jasmin is still 27.
2. Do u believe that all your dreams can come true. 100%
put ur emotions in ur dream
3. Do u believe that 90 -95% of the work is useless. Only the 5% of ur hardwork will give the result. So will u still to the work knowing this
To find the right person u need to become the right person 1st.
U want the freedom u take the responsibility, not ur downline, not ur upline, u
4. Do you believe that it talks 1000plans to be <>.
Are u going to stop half way?
Thinking is not ur responsibility, ur upline is. Ur job is to find what you want.
5. Do you believe it will take 2 to 5 years to go <>?
Are u willing to be 100% system for that period
6. Attend all funtions
then he drew the function cycle. the one bani teach us
functions--->excited--->work--->New Ibo--->functions
7. Do you believe in the income?
U must do it for ur downline not for u
Dont bargin the price of success.
1. Leads are thermostat not thermometer
Thermostat set the temperature..leads set the pace and be excited when it is showing down.
2. Get out of the comfort zone.
3. Leaders are not sloppy.(God will grant us what we want if we dont stop)
4. Dont always talk about biz
5. be nice to ur family.
Pak Irfan read us sms from and to his wife. Ur spouse is ur strongest biz partner
Founders Platium Neo Tek Leong
Sponser people better that you.
If ppl hurt u, imagine they are drunk and forgive them cos they dont know wat they are saying
(His father was an alcoholic and he had to carry his father back home many times )
When u fall bounce back fast
U want to be rich or u want to be right
It takes courage to get want u want
Ok the melancholy part done how for the sanguine is done.
I didnt go for 1+1 cos i had to buy another tix which i cant afford an this time...the speaker was Kamal...and he was i know...i could feel it from outside...he was sanguine melancholy and choleric at the same time. Kamal is such a great leader...he has alot of loyal leadership...jus like the ones in Peter Cox organization...The 1st speaker wat Founders Platinum Neo Tek Leong...he told his story too with pictures and was very emotional we all we crying...i think this weekend i cry the most i have every cried...
Pak Irfan talked about wat is ur defination of success
"A biz that makes nothing but money is a poor biz" Henry Ford
He talked about the 6 areas of success
Rate them from 0 to 10
He put in this chart...
I hope u can see

As can see that my life is not balance...a balance life is when all is 10
Finanical is about ur debts and do u have enough
He talked about his downline...didnt mention name but his downline had an incredible debt..its so incredible it put my debt to shame..cant picture it?..let me show u...his downline was in credit card debt....u know how my cards his downline have...3? 25 CREDIT CARD!!!!...Pak Irfan brought a book with all the credit card...he showed us all 25...we even counted them...he like had 5 credit cards with citibank alone...the 1st credit card had 24 million rupiah debt..come on la even we count rupiah in thousand, millions are scary la...x25 wat u get...on top of credit card he had bank loan!!!!!!!....House loan!!!!!...and car loan!!!!....the total estimation of his debt is estimated to be half a billion rupiah...faints...
Mental is how stress are u
spiritual no need to say u work out, do u eat right.
social..relationship with ppl
family...relationship with family i was hurt by my propect's mom...she called and scold me very harshly...i was most hurt cos she say that i was using her son. She said other stuff to, words wasnt kind...I cried after the call...i was sitting a drop off point of a shopping centre...right in front of the enterence...I am grantful that my upline SP meiyin and kin sang want on the phone to help me get thought this....thank my mind as she was scolding me was "I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"...i kept repeating that...and u know what i found out from this...the dream "I want to be a hero for my family" is a very strong emotional dream...i can use this...usually i feel like i want to quit...but now i jus move on...if kin sang never told me that this is a phase that every <> go though i dont know wat i would have done...i know now what small ester went through...and i respect her for that...
Dream 7 I have the love and respect of ppl
While im at it i'll jus add this one u know i love MINIS!!!!
Dream 8 I have a brand new shining sky blue mini cooper

this was at the leaders meeting..
If u believe (check list to go <>)
1. 100% user
Does other company give u incentive to use their product?
Pak Irfan was saying ppl say he looks younger(he really really looks younger)
becos he doesnt have to see the boss and not have to wake up every morning anymore. Use artistry. U stop aging when u become <>. Jasmin is still 27.
2. Do u believe that all your dreams can come true. 100%
put ur emotions in ur dream
3. Do u believe that 90 -95% of the work is useless. Only the 5% of ur hardwork will give the result. So will u still to the work knowing this
To find the right person u need to become the right person 1st.
U want the freedom u take the responsibility, not ur downline, not ur upline, u
4. Do you believe that it talks 1000plans to be <>.
Are u going to stop half way?
Thinking is not ur responsibility, ur upline is. Ur job is to find what you want.
5. Do you believe it will take 2 to 5 years to go <>?
Are u willing to be 100% system for that period
6. Attend all funtions
then he drew the function cycle. the one bani teach us
functions--->excited--->work--->New Ibo--->functions
7. Do you believe in the income?
U must do it for ur downline not for u
Dont bargin the price of success.
1. Leads are thermostat not thermometer
Thermostat set the temperature..leads set the pace and be excited when it is showing down.
2. Get out of the comfort zone.
3. Leaders are not sloppy.(God will grant us what we want if we dont stop)
4. Dont always talk about biz
5. be nice to ur family.
Pak Irfan read us sms from and to his wife. Ur spouse is ur strongest biz partner
Founders Platium Neo Tek Leong
Sponser people better that you.
If ppl hurt u, imagine they are drunk and forgive them cos they dont know wat they are saying
(His father was an alcoholic and he had to carry his father back home many times )
When u fall bounce back fast
U want to be rich or u want to be right
It takes courage to get want u want
Ok the melancholy part done how for the sanguine is done.
I didnt go for 1+1 cos i had to buy another tix which i cant afford an this time...the speaker was Kamal...and he was i know...i could feel it from outside...he was sanguine melancholy and choleric at the same time. Kamal is such a great leader...he has alot of loyal leadership...jus like the ones in Peter Cox organization...The 1st speaker wat Founders Platinum Neo Tek Leong...he told his story too with pictures and was very emotional we all we crying...i think this weekend i cry the most i have every cried...
Pak Irfan talked about wat is ur defination of success
"A biz that makes nothing but money is a poor biz" Henry Ford
He talked about the 6 areas of success
Rate them from 0 to 10
He put in this chart...
I hope u can see

As can see that my life is not balance...a balance life is when all is 10
Finanical is about ur debts and do u have enough
He talked about his downline...didnt mention name but his downline had an incredible debt..its so incredible it put my debt to shame..cant picture it?..let me show u...his downline was in credit card debt....u know how my cards his downline have...3? 25 CREDIT CARD!!!!...Pak Irfan brought a book with all the credit card...he showed us all 25...we even counted them...he like had 5 credit cards with citibank alone...the 1st credit card had 24 million rupiah debt..come on la even we count rupiah in thousand, millions are scary la...x25 wat u get...on top of credit card he had bank loan!!!!!!!....House loan!!!!!...and car loan!!!!....the total estimation of his debt is estimated to be half a billion rupiah...faints...
Mental is how stress are u
spiritual no need to say u work out, do u eat right.
social..relationship with ppl
family...relationship with family i was hurt by my propect's mom...she called and scold me very harshly...i was most hurt cos she say that i was using her son. She said other stuff to, words wasnt kind...I cried after the call...i was sitting a drop off point of a shopping centre...right in front of the enterence...I am grantful that my upline SP meiyin and kin sang want on the phone to help me get thought this....thank my mind as she was scolding me was "I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"...i kept repeating that...and u know what i found out from this...the dream "I want to be a hero for my family" is a very strong emotional dream...i can use this...usually i feel like i want to quit...but now i jus move on...if kin sang never told me that this is a phase that every <> go though i dont know wat i would have done...i know now what small ester went through...and i respect her for that...
Dream 7 I have the love and respect of ppl
While im at it i'll jus add this one u know i love MINIS!!!!
Dream 8 I have a brand new shining sky blue mini cooper

Hero(Dream 6)
Today was an emotional crying start with listening to this months' CEP...i was listening to john herren's "Its all about advertizing". I cant really the story but i was about a child talking to the parents about some stuff...started tearing...when she said that to the parents that they are he hero...i was thinking to myself i want to be a hero too...i want to be a hero of my family...i want to save my mom from debt and my sisters for pain...i want to make everything ok for my emerald recognition im going to invite my mom on stage...and im going to say to her i did this for u...everything is going to be ok
Dream 6 I am a Hero to my Mom
I have a heart felt burning desire to be a HERO for my family
Later in the afternoon the 1st specker was emerald direct yup fong lan...she had pictures that showed her journey to emeraldship...the was an emotional session for her...half way through the session she begain to cry...everyone in the room teared...the talked about how she didnt need the biz but she join to learn english...she say she didnt expected wat the biz gave gave her more then a gave her love form strangers and respect form her upline...she said this biz has given her so much but today it is not about is about is about wat u want...i have never seen her like this...she is amazing
Decide Today What You Want
Dream 6 I am a Hero to my Mom
I have a heart felt burning desire to be a HERO for my family
Later in the afternoon the 1st specker was emerald direct yup fong lan...she had pictures that showed her journey to emeraldship...the was an emotional session for her...half way through the session she begain to cry...everyone in the room teared...the talked about how she didnt need the biz but she join to learn english...she say she didnt expected wat the biz gave gave her more then a gave her love form strangers and respect form her upline...she said this biz has given her so much but today it is not about is about is about wat u want...i have never seen her like this...she is amazing
Decide Today What You Want
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Island in the stream(Dream 4 and 5)
This song got me through today...i was stress, happy, fustrated and excited at the same time today...basically i lived a lifetime in a day...
Today was career fair...i went to all the ones in the cooperate not really happy cos all the positions were talking about management position..quite digusting...i dont want to manage i want to lead...after i walked like 10 rounds i i was walking i stop...i was thinking why not teaching...i when yuk...anyway why i when to the RP booth...nothing much...then i when to the Raffles School i was talking to guy at the booth(dont know the term for him)...he was giving me the difference MOE and Raffles Schools career main avoided alot of the pain getting an education diploma...and of cos the students behave is better than the kind of lite a fire in me...i once had a dream to be come a teacher...but ppl talked about how bad MOE is...teachers going mad...all the bad stuff about being a teacher...u know when i teach tuition i actually enjoy, i love it...ppl stole this dream im going to put it back....My Dream is to be a great teacher...and like beilin says "Im not going to limit my teaching to the classroom...It going to be a global classroom"..
Dream 4 I am a great teacher like Simon Thompson

Oh yeah..
Dream 5 I am a great motivator and speaker like doug wead
...i cant remember why thought of that dream..when i remember i will post it but for now

Day one of JB weekend...the atmosphere of the place was great...the place way packed la..i could find a place to sit 1st speaker was Emerld Direct Arlene...i will use the only ounce of melo i have to put this in point form:
1. Refusal to accept change leads to stagnation
2. U stop living when u jus sit in front tv all day..cos u have no goal in life
3. We will never age becos we have so many things to do(is that why IBOs look younger when they become <>
Oh the 4 point is a story....
Workers at a company received a notice that there has been a death in the company...and becos of the death everyone in the company will progress...all is invited to attend to funeral...there was a hugh is discuss..who die?...who was preventing their growth?...on the funeral day...everybody wanted to see who had die..there was alot of excitement in the air...they were only allowed to pay there respect one person at a they by one they step up and look in the coffin...every single person garps when they look in...they saw a mirror...a reflection of themselves
the point the story is that we are the only person that sets limits to our growth...there are others too la....i couldnt catch
5. She mention this tat caught my attention...when U get chance to so meet jim and nancy dornan...and when u have experience their heart and soul...u will go to the ends of the earth with them
Diamond Direct Irfan was amazing. here are some points
1. the business is portable
2. find a good wife.(it was a
3. He compared vice-president vs <>
a)No passive income
b) cannot be fired
c) want to increase salary in the biz...jus work double.
d)time freedom
4. Dont use ur power, use the function.
5. Dont use ur power, use the cds
Now for the sanguine version of the experience
Irfan is a real family man. You can see from the way he talk about his wife. Form the way he talk about his kids. During his whole session, pictures of his family was being flashed in the background. He told stories after stories about them. There was never a dull moment for he was wise and witty. He end with a video of his retirement which had the song "Here I am" playing in the background. In the video people was giving testimonies on him. His colleagues, his boss, his upline <>s, his wife and kids. The last clip of the video was of his youngest daughter at the dentist. As the song fades away, you could hear his daughter's voice; so sweet, so pure. "Thank you dad for accompanying me to the dentist. I am so happy to have a dad like you. I love you dad"
...then I cry.....
Today was career fair...i went to all the ones in the cooperate not really happy cos all the positions were talking about management position..quite digusting...i dont want to manage i want to lead...after i walked like 10 rounds i i was walking i stop...i was thinking why not teaching...i when yuk...anyway why i when to the RP booth...nothing much...then i when to the Raffles School i was talking to guy at the booth(dont know the term for him)...he was giving me the difference MOE and Raffles Schools career main avoided alot of the pain getting an education diploma...and of cos the students behave is better than the kind of lite a fire in me...i once had a dream to be come a teacher...but ppl talked about how bad MOE is...teachers going mad...all the bad stuff about being a teacher...u know when i teach tuition i actually enjoy, i love it...ppl stole this dream im going to put it back....My Dream is to be a great teacher...and like beilin says "Im not going to limit my teaching to the classroom...It going to be a global classroom"..
Dream 4 I am a great teacher like Simon Thompson
Oh yeah..
Dream 5 I am a great motivator and speaker like doug wead
...i cant remember why thought of that dream..when i remember i will post it but for now

Day one of JB weekend...the atmosphere of the place was great...the place way packed la..i could find a place to sit 1st speaker was Emerld Direct Arlene...i will use the only ounce of melo i have to put this in point form:
1. Refusal to accept change leads to stagnation
2. U stop living when u jus sit in front tv all day..cos u have no goal in life
3. We will never age becos we have so many things to do(is that why IBOs look younger when they become <>
Oh the 4 point is a story....
Workers at a company received a notice that there has been a death in the company...and becos of the death everyone in the company will progress...all is invited to attend to funeral...there was a hugh is discuss..who die?...who was preventing their growth?...on the funeral day...everybody wanted to see who had die..there was alot of excitement in the air...they were only allowed to pay there respect one person at a they by one they step up and look in the coffin...every single person garps when they look in...they saw a mirror...a reflection of themselves
the point the story is that we are the only person that sets limits to our growth...there are others too la....i couldnt catch
5. She mention this tat caught my attention...when U get chance to so meet jim and nancy dornan...and when u have experience their heart and soul...u will go to the ends of the earth with them
Diamond Direct Irfan was amazing. here are some points
1. the business is portable
2. find a good wife.(it was a
3. He compared vice-president vs <>
a)No passive income
b) cannot be fired
c) want to increase salary in the biz...jus work double.
d)time freedom
4. Dont use ur power, use the function.
5. Dont use ur power, use the cds
Now for the sanguine version of the experience
Irfan is a real family man. You can see from the way he talk about his wife. Form the way he talk about his kids. During his whole session, pictures of his family was being flashed in the background. He told stories after stories about them. There was never a dull moment for he was wise and witty. He end with a video of his retirement which had the song "Here I am" playing in the background. In the video people was giving testimonies on him. His colleagues, his boss, his upline <>s, his wife and kids. The last clip of the video was of his youngest daughter at the dentist. As the song fades away, you could hear his daughter's voice; so sweet, so pure. "Thank you dad for accompanying me to the dentist. I am so happy to have a dad like you. I love you dad"
...then I cry.....
Thursday, February 21, 2008
U are not a Tree, U can change(Dream 3)
U know sometimes i get CEP sometimes i all depends on how much money i have in the bank...even though i listen to cds everyday...i felt something was wrong...peter cox cds mention are u listening to RTs...even bob andrews mention that...Bob andrews also said there is something migical about the RTs and if u not listening to RTs u are missing out on things...i was worried...I was worried for i was going n21 today...and i was listening to CORE heading towards <>...and i knew that i had to get the matter wat...i must some how get the money to get the RTs...i realise something when i was thinking of the money...i got bonus letter from AMWAY a few day ago...and i notice if i jus do CORE every month i would be about to pay for the if i jus get my second leg to have a CORE person i would be able to affort the RB and the LCDs...isnt that cool...i have a goal..yeah!!
I was listening to Nancy Dornan "decide and do, not hope and dream" she mention that we are not trees we can change...u know to me <> diamonds are like perfect people...only after i heard this cd that i thought hey they are jus like me...why did it take me so long...some how nancy's story in that cd reminded me of me...the things that she did...her sanguine like nature is like mine...and when she talked about Jim Dornan...u could see his melon flaws too...that cd showed me that they are human too...and that i could do it...
Todays dream...i want a lean, fit and healty body...why i grew up as a fat child...and i felt very disguing about it...i didnt feel comfortable...when i was in sec 3 i made a decision to lose weight...and when i was in jc i was the fittest i have ever been...but i never had abs b4...the only time i had abs was when i went through JCC...that only becos i was always wanted to lose my love handles...but through exersice i was never able to do it...
I am greatful to have healthpointe in my business....i want to have my body by June 08...enough time for 2 no so nice but at least
Dream 3 I have healthy and hot body

I was listening to Nancy Dornan "decide and do, not hope and dream" she mention that we are not trees we can change...u know to me <> diamonds are like perfect people...only after i heard this cd that i thought hey they are jus like me...why did it take me so long...some how nancy's story in that cd reminded me of me...the things that she did...her sanguine like nature is like mine...and when she talked about Jim Dornan...u could see his melon flaws too...that cd showed me that they are human too...and that i could do it...
Todays dream...i want a lean, fit and healty body...why i grew up as a fat child...and i felt very disguing about it...i didnt feel comfortable...when i was in sec 3 i made a decision to lose weight...and when i was in jc i was the fittest i have ever been...but i never had abs b4...the only time i had abs was when i went through JCC...that only becos i was always wanted to lose my love handles...but through exersice i was never able to do it...
I am greatful to have healthpointe in my business....i want to have my body by June 08...enough time for 2 no so nice but at least
Dream 3 I have healthy and hot body

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Dream Night(Dream 2)
U know wat my last post i talk about being on time..i was on time yesterday but today i was late for everything...really i was suppose to be at work place at 11.30...but i woke up at 11 and reach the at 11.45...i decide not to go to school today can u believe it...i fell a sleep at home...i told myself tat i will wake up at get ready at 6pm but u know wat i woke up at 6pm and when back to sleep...woke again at 7pm...i really need to work my discipline..tmr i got class at 12pm...but i need to go i need to be there at 10.30am...i got tution tmr..7.30pm...i will tell u tmr if i meet to them...
I was thinking that every wed night will be a dream night for me...for me to revist my dream or to talk about an emotional dream...
today im going to talk about family...i grew up in a broke home...the details i will leave it for my <> story...when ever i talk to my friends there family...i always envy there good or bad...i think its better then wat ever i have...did u know that when im at home i am phlegmatic....even though i a choleric sanguine...Florence saids that ppl developed some "mask of survival" family dont really know i am...its sad rite...tat why my dream is to have a family...when anyone can do that even without passive income...but i have seen how lack of money and lack of time have distroyed my current family...i dont want my children and my wife to exprenince tat....
when i went for my 1st bbs....i was still -ve back then..come on la i only saw the plan 3 day ago...when technically i didnt really see the plan..i jus sat throught it with cross arm...cross legs if i could cross eyes..i almost didnt go for the bbs...u know why cos i was broke!!!..well i didnt remember wheather vince hadnt given me a ticket or i havent paid for it...i could chose not to go..that $15 i was going to spend was the last $15 i had that month...and i didnt have any money for the rest of the month...why did i go...cos i promise vince my word that i would go...i dont have much...but keeping my word is something i could give..
the speaker was an indo <>...his name was Frankie or Freddy...cant remember...but wat i can remember is he said 5 words...i still remember it crystal clear..."this business save my marriage"...and i thought...this could be for me...if i hadnt go for the bbs where would i be today...this business has given me hope that a dream a family without worry of money or time could come true...i am very greatful for tat...thank vince and beilin
This is a video of my ideal family...
Dream 2 I have a great relationship with my with and kids
The Dream is Everything
I was thinking that every wed night will be a dream night for me...for me to revist my dream or to talk about an emotional dream...
today im going to talk about family...i grew up in a broke home...the details i will leave it for my <> story...when ever i talk to my friends there family...i always envy there good or bad...i think its better then wat ever i have...did u know that when im at home i am phlegmatic....even though i a choleric sanguine...Florence saids that ppl developed some "mask of survival" family dont really know i am...its sad rite...tat why my dream is to have a family...when anyone can do that even without passive income...but i have seen how lack of money and lack of time have distroyed my current family...i dont want my children and my wife to exprenince tat....
when i went for my 1st bbs....i was still -ve back then..come on la i only saw the plan 3 day ago...when technically i didnt really see the plan..i jus sat throught it with cross arm...cross legs if i could cross eyes..i almost didnt go for the bbs...u know why cos i was broke!!!..well i didnt remember wheather vince hadnt given me a ticket or i havent paid for it...i could chose not to go..that $15 i was going to spend was the last $15 i had that month...and i didnt have any money for the rest of the month...why did i go...cos i promise vince my word that i would go...i dont have much...but keeping my word is something i could give..
the speaker was an indo <>...his name was Frankie or Freddy...cant remember...but wat i can remember is he said 5 words...i still remember it crystal clear..."this business save my marriage"...and i thought...this could be for me...if i hadnt go for the bbs where would i be today...this business has given me hope that a dream a family without worry of money or time could come true...i am very greatful for tat...thank vince and beilin
This is a video of my ideal family...
Dream 2 I have a great relationship with my with and kids
The Dream is Everything
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Mimi(Dream 1)
Well in the spirit of wanting to improve lets evaluate wat i did today...
Today when i woke up i totally did want to get out of bed la...woke up at 9 when back to sleep...woke up at 10...when back to sleep and woke up at 11...i know i got class at 12 so i quickly bath and rush out of the house at 11.30...obviously i wasnt going to get to school on time....on at about 11.45 my friend called and said "hey u coming to work." i said i wasnt working....but the thing is did i forgot i got work? gosh i think i did...but they were ok with i..i cant believe i forgot work...
I was on the bus reading personality plus cos i realise i have to handle 3 fustrated out of my brains working with 2 now got 3rd i cant tell if his excited, the other likes to give -ve comment and the other i have no idea what his me...but i ended up reading about Sanguines...i read about how i am disorganize...and i am...come on la...forgeting u got work...then coming to school late...then when reach school decide not to go for my class...i really have no idea what im doing...
1st order get organise...1st step be on time for everything...
i was looking for a quite place to play my pokemon and watch avatar...i when to my favourate spot....level 1 phy lab...down there confirm no one...when i reach the table i saw a laptop bag but no one there..i thought to myself ok la i can share the table with the guy...but for half and hour no one return...that abit strange...i look in my laptop bag to see if i can find and id...then mimi begin to speak...(mimi to me is like lulu to Nancy dornan)..."which is better to take the 2gig ram or to sell the whole laptop off"....ya i know wat the hell...i wish i can take a gun and shoot mimi...i knew if i leave the place i would bring home the bag....i told myself that i will stay there until the owner comes back....why not give the security guard...cos if i leave the place i will bring it home...i sat there for 3hours b4 the guy return back....thank god...i was relieve
why did i think of that in the 1st place....its becos of money...i havent been living my life always trying to make ends...i never had enough to do want ever i me money is very important...when Ronnie mention that money to him was no. 1 and children and wife was 2 and 3..i know wat he means...too me it my top 5 too...its very painfull living without it...Now lets find the rest...
Dream 1 want to be debt free and have a comfortable life

I have a heartfelt burning desire to be diamond by the age of 28

Today when i woke up i totally did want to get out of bed la...woke up at 9 when back to sleep...woke up at 10...when back to sleep and woke up at 11...i know i got class at 12 so i quickly bath and rush out of the house at 11.30...obviously i wasnt going to get to school on time....on at about 11.45 my friend called and said "hey u coming to work." i said i wasnt working....but the thing is did i forgot i got work? gosh i think i did...but they were ok with i..i cant believe i forgot work...
I was on the bus reading personality plus cos i realise i have to handle 3 fustrated out of my brains working with 2 now got 3rd i cant tell if his excited, the other likes to give -ve comment and the other i have no idea what his me...but i ended up reading about Sanguines...i read about how i am disorganize...and i am...come on la...forgeting u got work...then coming to school late...then when reach school decide not to go for my class...i really have no idea what im doing...
1st order get organise...1st step be on time for everything...
i was looking for a quite place to play my pokemon and watch avatar...i when to my favourate spot....level 1 phy lab...down there confirm no one...when i reach the table i saw a laptop bag but no one there..i thought to myself ok la i can share the table with the guy...but for half and hour no one return...that abit strange...i look in my laptop bag to see if i can find and id...then mimi begin to speak...(mimi to me is like lulu to Nancy dornan)..."which is better to take the 2gig ram or to sell the whole laptop off"....ya i know wat the hell...i wish i can take a gun and shoot mimi...i knew if i leave the place i would bring home the bag....i told myself that i will stay there until the owner comes back....why not give the security guard...cos if i leave the place i will bring it home...i sat there for 3hours b4 the guy return back....thank god...i was relieve
why did i think of that in the 1st place....its becos of money...i havent been living my life always trying to make ends...i never had enough to do want ever i me money is very important...when Ronnie mention that money to him was no. 1 and children and wife was 2 and 3..i know wat he means...too me it my top 5 too...its very painfull living without it...Now lets find the rest...
Dream 1 want to be debt free and have a comfortable life

I have a heartfelt burning desire to be diamond by the age of 28

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Feb WLS 08
Jus came back for WLS...Ronnie Kagen was dam good...i wish i was there to hear is success story but i guess faith has something install for me. Im blogging again cos this will be a place for me to monitor my thoughts and an my action...Ronnie say if u monitor wat u do you will like forever online so might as well make us of it...
I'm very greatful that I get to hear what I needed to hear for this to search for my dream..
This for the 1st time I realise how important is the dream...I was wondering how come sometimes i can achieve wat i want and sometime i dont...
Eg. When i was going LC i sponsered 5 ppl in 2 days running back and forth from tampines to yishun to pasir ris to tampines...why was i able do was becos of Max Homberg diamond was so cool and i wanted was the most beautiful thing that i have heard in a long time..
I did 10 plus for Able and Roshin's BBS cos bani said that Simon was going to help those that go 10 plus to go 21% for may 08 go <>....B4 bani gave that news i was think about my word to kin sang about May Go <> for 3 whole the hell am i going to do it i have know idea
I dont know how and its doesnt matter...wat matters the most is the why...why do i really want to go for May Go <>....that is wat i need to find
I realise i wasnt born to this world dreaming my whole life to be an AMWAY <>...if i can i dont want to be a <>...i rather slack at home all day and play my pokemon on nitendo DS...
But one thing i know for sure is that i need to go <>....Going <> is not my dream but it is my goal so that i can get want i in life...It took me 1 year to understand this, even thought when i do QI i tell prospects this...funny isnt it...
How to i find my reason my why...Ronnie says start working on myself...and thats how im going to do it.
I need to answer the following Questions:
1. Space (What fo you surround urself with; at work or at home)
2. Time (Where do you spend ur spare time)
3. Energy ()
4. Money (What do you spend you money)
5. Discipline (where are u self motivated)
6 Where are u organise
7. Thinking (What do u find urself thinking about)
8. Vision(What go u see urself doing)
9. Internal Dialogue (What do you contemplation over)
10. Conversation (What do u find urself talking about)
11. Reaction(What gets u emotionally going)
12. Goals(What are you striving for)
What is wat i will be working on for the next few days
No. them in order of importance and link 5 most important values to the business(How can N21 help)
Another session that i need the most wat Faitah "The Passion Test"
the book is by Jane Attwood
I feel i was jus a continuation of wat Ronnie said... After u got ur top 5 values rate them for 1 to 10
1- You are not living ur passion in your life
10- you are fully living your passion
are ur really living ur passion?
What you put your attention in grows stronger in your life...
I havent made a short term goal yet got i need to to look for the reason...i know for sure i can do the work..i have seen myself acheving it...
But the MOST important thing is the a reason to back the goal..if there is no reason for acheving the goal, the goal wont be achieve...i very excited to find out what is truly my dream...what is my driving force in my life...cos when i found that dream i know i have got the winning loto ticket and SUNDAY IS COMING
I have a heart felt burning desire to find my dream.
The Animal
I'm very greatful that I get to hear what I needed to hear for this to search for my dream..
This for the 1st time I realise how important is the dream...I was wondering how come sometimes i can achieve wat i want and sometime i dont...
Eg. When i was going LC i sponsered 5 ppl in 2 days running back and forth from tampines to yishun to pasir ris to tampines...why was i able do was becos of Max Homberg diamond was so cool and i wanted was the most beautiful thing that i have heard in a long time..
I did 10 plus for Able and Roshin's BBS cos bani said that Simon was going to help those that go 10 plus to go 21% for may 08 go <>....B4 bani gave that news i was think about my word to kin sang about May Go <> for 3 whole the hell am i going to do it i have know idea
I dont know how and its doesnt matter...wat matters the most is the why...why do i really want to go for May Go <>....that is wat i need to find
I realise i wasnt born to this world dreaming my whole life to be an AMWAY <>...if i can i dont want to be a <>...i rather slack at home all day and play my pokemon on nitendo DS...
But one thing i know for sure is that i need to go <>....Going <> is not my dream but it is my goal so that i can get want i in life...It took me 1 year to understand this, even thought when i do QI i tell prospects this...funny isnt it...
How to i find my reason my why...Ronnie says start working on myself...and thats how im going to do it.
I need to answer the following Questions:
1. Space (What fo you surround urself with; at work or at home)
2. Time (Where do you spend ur spare time)
3. Energy ()
4. Money (What do you spend you money)
5. Discipline (where are u self motivated)
6 Where are u organise
7. Thinking (What do u find urself thinking about)
8. Vision(What go u see urself doing)
9. Internal Dialogue (What do you contemplation over)
10. Conversation (What do u find urself talking about)
11. Reaction(What gets u emotionally going)
12. Goals(What are you striving for)
What is wat i will be working on for the next few days
No. them in order of importance and link 5 most important values to the business(How can N21 help)
Another session that i need the most wat Faitah "The Passion Test"
the book is by Jane Attwood
I feel i was jus a continuation of wat Ronnie said... After u got ur top 5 values rate them for 1 to 10
1- You are not living ur passion in your life
10- you are fully living your passion
are ur really living ur passion?
What you put your attention in grows stronger in your life...
I havent made a short term goal yet got i need to to look for the reason...i know for sure i can do the work..i have seen myself acheving it...
But the MOST important thing is the a reason to back the goal..if there is no reason for acheving the goal, the goal wont be achieve...i very excited to find out what is truly my dream...what is my driving force in my life...cos when i found that dream i know i have got the winning loto ticket and SUNDAY IS COMING
I have a heart felt burning desire to find my dream.
The Animal