Sunday, February 24, 2008
WLS(Dream 7 and 8)
Its a long and emotional weekend...a beautiful weekend...jus some sharing b4 i tell some
this was at the leaders meeting..
If u believe (check list to go <>)
1. 100% user
Does other company give u incentive to use their product?
Pak Irfan was saying ppl say he looks younger(he really really looks younger)
becos he doesnt have to see the boss and not have to wake up every morning anymore. Use artistry. U stop aging when u become <>. Jasmin is still 27.
2. Do u believe that all your dreams can come true. 100%
put ur emotions in ur dream
3. Do u believe that 90 -95% of the work is useless. Only the 5% of ur hardwork will give the result. So will u still to the work knowing this
To find the right person u need to become the right person 1st.
U want the freedom u take the responsibility, not ur downline, not ur upline, u
4. Do you believe that it talks 1000plans to be <>.
Are u going to stop half way?
Thinking is not ur responsibility, ur upline is. Ur job is to find what you want.
5. Do you believe it will take 2 to 5 years to go <>?
Are u willing to be 100% system for that period
6. Attend all funtions
then he drew the function cycle. the one bani teach us
functions--->excited--->work--->New Ibo--->functions
7. Do you believe in the income?
U must do it for ur downline not for u
Dont bargin the price of success.
1. Leads are thermostat not thermometer
Thermostat set the temperature..leads set the pace and be excited when it is showing down.
2. Get out of the comfort zone.
3. Leaders are not sloppy.(God will grant us what we want if we dont stop)
4. Dont always talk about biz
5. be nice to ur family.
Pak Irfan read us sms from and to his wife. Ur spouse is ur strongest biz partner
Founders Platium Neo Tek Leong
Sponser people better that you.
If ppl hurt u, imagine they are drunk and forgive them cos they dont know wat they are saying
(His father was an alcoholic and he had to carry his father back home many times )
When u fall bounce back fast
U want to be rich or u want to be right
It takes courage to get want u want
Ok the melancholy part done how for the sanguine is done.
I didnt go for 1+1 cos i had to buy another tix which i cant afford an this time...the speaker was Kamal...and he was i know...i could feel it from outside...he was sanguine melancholy and choleric at the same time. Kamal is such a great leader...he has alot of loyal leadership...jus like the ones in Peter Cox organization...The 1st speaker wat Founders Platinum Neo Tek Leong...he told his story too with pictures and was very emotional we all we crying...i think this weekend i cry the most i have every cried...
Pak Irfan talked about wat is ur defination of success
"A biz that makes nothing but money is a poor biz" Henry Ford
He talked about the 6 areas of success
Rate them from 0 to 10
He put in this chart...
I hope u can see

As can see that my life is not balance...a balance life is when all is 10
Finanical is about ur debts and do u have enough
He talked about his downline...didnt mention name but his downline had an incredible debt..its so incredible it put my debt to shame..cant picture it?..let me show u...his downline was in credit card debt....u know how my cards his downline have...3? 25 CREDIT CARD!!!!...Pak Irfan brought a book with all the credit card...he showed us all 25...we even counted them...he like had 5 credit cards with citibank alone...the 1st credit card had 24 million rupiah debt..come on la even we count rupiah in thousand, millions are scary la...x25 wat u get...on top of credit card he had bank loan!!!!!!!....House loan!!!!!...and car loan!!!!....the total estimation of his debt is estimated to be half a billion rupiah...faints...
Mental is how stress are u
spiritual no need to say u work out, do u eat right.
social..relationship with ppl
family...relationship with family i was hurt by my propect's mom...she called and scold me very harshly...i was most hurt cos she say that i was using her son. She said other stuff to, words wasnt kind...I cried after the call...i was sitting a drop off point of a shopping centre...right in front of the enterence...I am grantful that my upline SP meiyin and kin sang want on the phone to help me get thought this....thank my mind as she was scolding me was "I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"...i kept repeating that...and u know what i found out from this...the dream "I want to be a hero for my family" is a very strong emotional dream...i can use this...usually i feel like i want to quit...but now i jus move on...if kin sang never told me that this is a phase that every <> go though i dont know wat i would have done...i know now what small ester went through...and i respect her for that...
Dream 7 I have the love and respect of ppl
While im at it i'll jus add this one u know i love MINIS!!!!
Dream 8 I have a brand new shining sky blue mini cooper

this was at the leaders meeting..
If u believe (check list to go <>)
1. 100% user
Does other company give u incentive to use their product?
Pak Irfan was saying ppl say he looks younger(he really really looks younger)
becos he doesnt have to see the boss and not have to wake up every morning anymore. Use artistry. U stop aging when u become <>. Jasmin is still 27.
2. Do u believe that all your dreams can come true. 100%
put ur emotions in ur dream
3. Do u believe that 90 -95% of the work is useless. Only the 5% of ur hardwork will give the result. So will u still to the work knowing this
To find the right person u need to become the right person 1st.
U want the freedom u take the responsibility, not ur downline, not ur upline, u
4. Do you believe that it talks 1000plans to be <>.
Are u going to stop half way?
Thinking is not ur responsibility, ur upline is. Ur job is to find what you want.
5. Do you believe it will take 2 to 5 years to go <>?
Are u willing to be 100% system for that period
6. Attend all funtions
then he drew the function cycle. the one bani teach us
functions--->excited--->work--->New Ibo--->functions
7. Do you believe in the income?
U must do it for ur downline not for u
Dont bargin the price of success.
1. Leads are thermostat not thermometer
Thermostat set the temperature..leads set the pace and be excited when it is showing down.
2. Get out of the comfort zone.
3. Leaders are not sloppy.(God will grant us what we want if we dont stop)
4. Dont always talk about biz
5. be nice to ur family.
Pak Irfan read us sms from and to his wife. Ur spouse is ur strongest biz partner
Founders Platium Neo Tek Leong
Sponser people better that you.
If ppl hurt u, imagine they are drunk and forgive them cos they dont know wat they are saying
(His father was an alcoholic and he had to carry his father back home many times )
When u fall bounce back fast
U want to be rich or u want to be right
It takes courage to get want u want
Ok the melancholy part done how for the sanguine is done.
I didnt go for 1+1 cos i had to buy another tix which i cant afford an this time...the speaker was Kamal...and he was i know...i could feel it from outside...he was sanguine melancholy and choleric at the same time. Kamal is such a great leader...he has alot of loyal leadership...jus like the ones in Peter Cox organization...The 1st speaker wat Founders Platinum Neo Tek Leong...he told his story too with pictures and was very emotional we all we crying...i think this weekend i cry the most i have every cried...
Pak Irfan talked about wat is ur defination of success
"A biz that makes nothing but money is a poor biz" Henry Ford
He talked about the 6 areas of success
Rate them from 0 to 10
He put in this chart...
I hope u can see

As can see that my life is not balance...a balance life is when all is 10
Finanical is about ur debts and do u have enough
He talked about his downline...didnt mention name but his downline had an incredible debt..its so incredible it put my debt to shame..cant picture it?..let me show u...his downline was in credit card debt....u know how my cards his downline have...3? 25 CREDIT CARD!!!!...Pak Irfan brought a book with all the credit card...he showed us all 25...we even counted them...he like had 5 credit cards with citibank alone...the 1st credit card had 24 million rupiah debt..come on la even we count rupiah in thousand, millions are scary la...x25 wat u get...on top of credit card he had bank loan!!!!!!!....House loan!!!!!...and car loan!!!!....the total estimation of his debt is estimated to be half a billion rupiah...faints...
Mental is how stress are u
spiritual no need to say u work out, do u eat right.
social..relationship with ppl
family...relationship with family i was hurt by my propect's mom...she called and scold me very harshly...i was most hurt cos she say that i was using her son. She said other stuff to, words wasnt kind...I cried after the call...i was sitting a drop off point of a shopping centre...right in front of the enterence...I am grantful that my upline SP meiyin and kin sang want on the phone to help me get thought this....thank my mind as she was scolding me was "I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"..."I want to be a hero for my family"...i kept repeating that...and u know what i found out from this...the dream "I want to be a hero for my family" is a very strong emotional dream...i can use this...usually i feel like i want to quit...but now i jus move on...if kin sang never told me that this is a phase that every <> go though i dont know wat i would have done...i know now what small ester went through...and i respect her for that...
Dream 7 I have the love and respect of ppl
While im at it i'll jus add this one u know i love MINIS!!!!
Dream 8 I have a brand new shining sky blue mini cooper