Saturday, September 30, 2006
Captain's Log 12 - Bus Ride Home
It makes me wonder why I committed such an act. Am I such a crude person? The answer is ‘Yes’. I use vulgarities all the time. Even in normal conversations. People say there are many ways to express oneself without having to resort to vulgarities. And I agree. However, I feel that I express myself best when I use such words. People see such words in their true extremely form. However, I do not see them as words I see them as an emotions that I wish to express. Can I use a substitute? No because to me the emotion is tied to that word. And to just replace it with another does not have the same feel too me. If you talk to me long enough you can notice that I pronounce a words a certain way. The reason being, there is an emotion that I have subconsciously tied to the word.
People always think that I am crazy all the time. Yes I am crazy but not all the time. In actually fact I am a very quite person. I talk when I want to or when I need to. Other than that I do not say anything. However, I love to go crazy. Being crazy keeps me sane. How one might ask? It helps me express what I feel deep down inside. Being crazy is something I am not willing to compromise for anyone. The day I cannot express who I am, that is the day would rather kill myself.
I believe in accepting people for who they are; dirty laundry, bad habits and all. When one chooses to accept people for who they are, that is when one can look pass their short comings and see their true potential. I believe that everyone is meant for greatness. Sometimes people just need to be reminded of what they are capably of doing. On occasion bad habit or certain characteristics may hinder ones growth. Does this mean we have to change that person? No, people are resistant to change. To do so is just a waste of effort. I believe in making people see the beauty in things and leave the rest to them. They have to make the leap. For, that is something no one can do for them.
The Animal
I am called 'the animal' for a reason
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Captain's Log 11 - BUSY BUSY BUSY
i dont why am i so busy monday clean club room then went out with qilin to do our hair...tuesday is went to school to clear the float and then at night went steamboat with got SOW outing to sentosa and tuition and guinevere outing...thursday got interview with the ppl who sign up for rag and got dinner with the guys and havent confirm if staying in school that day....friday got nothing on so far but i think huiling want to plan outing for fop comm but im also invited to offshore seniors bbq....AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
i got no time for myself or for studying dam sian...super sian...freaking sian
i need to do ts....i need to do phycology....i need to do 2108.....AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
ok enough of today
So fun going out with shakespeare again....did ur usual nonsense...
On our way home we were talking about big boobs....a topic of cos i brought up....b4 tat we were talking about Jacintha A"bish" u know why i brought it can u miss those things they are dam huge la....then we talk about how animes will have one charater tat has big boobs or all charcter have big bleach the Lt for squard 10....matsumoto...girl describes one time when her boobs almost came out of her dress....she was laughing like mad la....we also mention how gandum seed like to give boobs a life of its own during all the war or battle scenes....jason did something gong gong today...we at bugis junction b1 level...the started saying there was and echo...he did this by saying "HELLO, hello, hello, hello " yes he said it and there was no echo to begin with la....everyone jus bust out laughing...the girls run off and didnt want to be seen with him....he chase after them trying to explain wat was pasieh lucky no one was around....and yes i know wat paiseh feels like....
i miss going home with jason and rui feng...we also crack lame joke and do stupid stuff on the train...i hope next sem time table will be nice so i can go back with them more often
The Animal
Missing Shakespeare already
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Captain's Log 10 - HOW COME HOW COME!!!
let me tell u wat happen...i woke up this morning...doing my own stuff online...then jason msg me on msn...i was quite happy la cos i really havent had a proper conversation with him for along time....cos most of the time we meet is during lect...where he will be listening and i will be sleeping....tutorials are jus hi's and bye's...its either im rushing off or he is rushing off....jason is the cblc ya...anyways our converstion wasnt as happy and cheerful as i liked it to my horror he send me this......
Hey people, finally mid-term break is here! I guessed everyones looking forward to it? Im longed for this day to come because I finally have the time to draft this email and sent to you people. Theres a strong reason for me to express whats inside my heart and let you people know my thoughts.
In our life, we bound to encounter certain issues which we know for sure that they cannot be forced. Its either these issues are left unsolved at the end of the day or a party has to give way in order for all parties to have a happy outcome. And of course for the latter to occur, some painful decisions have to be made in the process.
Ive been thinking over this issue for a couple of days, and finally Ive decided that its time for me to mark an end to mermaid activities. Its a perfect timing to execute this especially after Ive finished distributing out those DVDs, which means to say Ive completed all the tasks which an aogl should do. On the other hand, I recognized that this is going to be unfair to certain people but for the sake of my happiness, Ive no choice but to make such decision.
I just dont know why but I cant seems to blend into mermaids bonding and even when I tried, I dont feel comfortable, neither do I feel happy at all. So its kind of pointless for me to stay on when I dont even have that sense of belonging. Even with mermaid seniors around, I also dont feel belonged. Step into my shoes and think of how many activities during and after sow whereby only you people are involved in, and youll get what I mean.
Lastly, Ill like to take this chance to thank Aifeng for her great effort in making sow memorable for me and also congratulate her for being the 2nd person to successfully leave a scar behind in my heart. Aifeng, if you have the chance to join sow again, go and be the aogl or ogl. After which, tell me how you feel when your fellow senior is not giving you the fullest support when you needed it most, and giving unnecessary comments only to cause irritation. Thats all Ive for you people. Im happy to contribute in forging the bonds among mermaid and hope you people can do your best in strengthening it. By the way, Im not going to collect the $4.70 which Jason owes me, so remember to get from him, and use it for the next mermaid outing. Have a great mid-term break ahead!
Rui Feng (,)
wat the hell rite...i didnt even know lor...come la i go running with rui rui yesterday and he never even bring it up lor.....its really sad la...rui rui is a hard head person...jus a stubbon as his mom....i think tats where he gets it form....u must understand u comfirm will have conflict with him one....cos i know i have many time...all u have to do is jus forgive and move on...remember tat time yaling bday we fight over one stupid star...i was cursing and swearing over msn at him to think of it was quite really hope i can do something to soomthen it out btw rui rui and the girls...but there only so much i can do...i will hear out both sides and try to make peace...the rest is up to u guys.....we have been together for so long all of us math majors..dont let it die....all the fun and laughther....all the basketballs games in the rain...trying to booth the stupid badminton court during 1104, new year, CNY...majong sessions.............
The Animal
Heart broke
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Captain's Log 9 - What the
i was studying in the library for my ts module...cos later got test a 4pm...i was suppose to meet judee at 12 jus to ask her some stuff b4 i go and meet jo at the club room...on my way down form the 6 lvl of the library to the enterance....i bang into vince...actually more like he kick my face he told me....zhi yang ask him do be the flag director...i was dam surprise....firstly becos jus the day b4 cuiting was telling me that they(ie top 5) ask a person but she didnt want to tell us who la...then sekali the next day i found of all ppl..vince the my second choice for vd after sk....diao...but i was actually very happy cos i get to work with him was fun working with him in the army(recap vince was my company 2ic and pc1...i was pc4...girls if u dont understand go and ask someone)
he was explaining to me his delimma which i already knew when i ask him to be vd...dont worry throught out our whole conversation i reminded the bloody swine that he rejected also told me how they(ie top 5 again) tried to convince him to take the position...its quite funny...
ring ring....vince picks up phone
zhi yang: yo yo yo wats up vince...u want to be flag director?
vince: no
zhi yang: why not...u see ah....(i kind of zone out at this tell u much cos u know flag is a sensitive issue but ya if u want to know more about flag u need to join 1st...but i know someone u can tell u more.....wait ah
cuiting:hello vince(act cute act cute....dam kawaii see ah(zone out cos not important)...cant tell u much cos u know flag is a sensitive issue but ya if u want to know more about flag u need to join 1st...but i know someone u can tell u more.....wait ah
rong lun: yo yo yo wat going down if u want to join the comm ah.....(so on and so forth)....cant tell u much cos u know flag is a sensitive issue but ya if u want to know more about flag u need to join 1st
vince: okok i think about it.
the end
this renactment is not vince actual jus how i remember it to be
i was laughing not the way how u convince vince....all u have to do is put an idea in his head and let it work its magic....
I know ur grades are very bad....but i also know u can do a great job...u are commited and passionate in everything u do...u are full of crap and nonsense too...and i couldnt have wish for a better person to be the director of my brother project....DUTY, HONOUR, COUNTRY, NINJA COMPANY...
The Animal
(vince if u are reading this i hope i didnt miss quote
Monday, September 18, 2006
Captain's Log 8 - Rag Poster

Wat u think?...took me only 1 hour to do...i lucky cos i got nice pic to work with...A2 is 594x420mm...according to marc...i know its 4 x A4 la but the excate measurement i dont know...this one is not final one still need to add recuritment drive and got fac logo.. Note for all those who want to know wat colour combi will give orange its: 255 red 150 blue and 50 green
I hope u like it
The Animal
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Captain's Log 7 - Stay Over party
today was 2st official meeting(agm was considered 1st)...quite ok la for now everyone like care free lol...girl was late usually...i wanted to say some stuff to her during the meeting but i couldnt cos my voice too loud scare ppl girl if u reading this pls remind me i got some stuff to tell u....
JK...i almost forgot ur dam sorry....i really sux at remember ppl's bday after may...dont know why...i can barely remember daniel's and kanesh's bday la...this is bad...cai u very luck u rememeber urs...i jus
i was feeling abit down on the way home jus now...i was thinking of my mom's phone call(she called me on friday)..long time never hear her voice...we hardly get a time to talk to each other on the phone(she immgrate to perth)..havent seen her since last hari tat about one year ago...sad to say she will only be coming back in i wont see her for hari raya...i think when i meet her again i will cry like mad again...jus too much bottled up emosions...i dont talk at home so it can get lonely sometimes...tats why im hardly at home, home too lonely...unless i want to be a lone that i come greatest fear being lonely...the feeling of emptyness in ur heart is jus very scary....
The Animal
i miss my mom
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Captain's Log 6 - ZZZZ long day but fun
Today during pl3237 lecture we talked about how kids learn how to read...usually the second half of the lecture we watch a video but this time we didnt...instead we looked at the different book avaible in the market for kids lecturer gave me nausry rhyme book...but i saw she pass "Green eggs and Ham" to another person...I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!....its my favour book of all time...i love the rhymes in tat book and i love the underlining mean to it...which is getting ppl to try something new...the book has alot of history but i wont go into details u all can look up urself(it was band in US at one time)...i was hoping tat the girl who got the book would read a couple of pages...but she tried to siam her way by acting blur...but in the end she had to read it...still she did a horrible job lor...i was piss...spoil my favourate book only...stupid bitch
Later i went for a swim...1st time i do 10 swimming cmi la...i swim 1 lap must stop 3 arms are not condition for swimming la...but i will thing i dont like about swimming is my ears will block and i will get a runny now...i havent had runny nose for more than 6 months...and when i get its usually very bad...but i can feel my arms toning up...must train must keep fit...yeah
On the way home we all dam suai judee ginny and yuhan was one the way home...we wait dam long for was so long tat 4 198 pass lor...can buy 4d i tell u...yuhan wanted to kill himself la(he takes 198 home) not the worst part 197 was dam hot...the mrt was dam hot...even 806 was dam come all the air con not working...judee says its jus me but the 806 one confirm not me cos there were others who complain about the heat
still dam shack la dont think will do any work tonight...i jus need to read up on 2215 and ts cos next week got test...this weekend dam pack...hopefully everything works out...tmr stay over cant wait...see u all
The Animal
I love green eggs and ham....i love them sam i am
On tuesday i had my ts practicals...i love ts practicals...during tat session we were suppose to pose for pic post cards...for example...our tutor Nora will tell us "at the beach"...then we will pose things u can see at the beach like ppl tanning, swimming or even a beach umbrella...but one thing i notice...everytime Nora says we did something wrong...i will come up with some excusse why we did wat we did...havent done this for very long(talk back for the no reason)...its seems tat im have been complacent for very long...i chose not to listen to her but instead try to be a smart alec...this is so wrong...i guess i need to pay more attention to my actions seeing tat im taking a leadership position again...must throw away all my bad habits for now if i want ppl to look up to me...all my friends if u read sure to whack me in the head if i step out of line...sometimes i need to be sorted out
Ok enough of all the boring to the more fun judee jansy sky xin mei and boss went for food tasting to help suyi out here are some of the pics

sky and boss saying their last wishes b4 suyi poison kidding
jansy jus still across form me...judee was left but never take her...sad
The poisons
Bottoms up
On our way out we met xin mei's friend who intro us to this meahine tat is called the 720 Body Composition Analysis...its very cool la it send pluses throught ur body and measure ur body fat and other stuff la
Wah so
sky hopeing he is over weight...ya rite like tat will ever
Boss hoping for the best but expecting the worst
It looks like the baby fat has all grown boss
Hmmm... i wanted to post my results but cant dont know i found out my chest is bigger then judee's one...diao....dont know who should be more sad me or i have big hips...37 inches(i think its my ass my waist is only 31 inch...Now im 69 kg but i need to lose 2.8 kg to be my ideal weight which is 66 kg...My aim is to hit 63 so at least got i can get rid of my love hadles i will be dam happy....i sound like a health okok at the end of the sem we go measure our composition again...yeah!!!!
The Animal
Change my body
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Captain's Log 4 - Night Cycling was fun
Yo yo everyone
if u havent notice by now my blog is blocked if u can read my blog u are the lucky few who i have given my password to...or manage to crack my codes( i love codes)
anyways why i put password...this blog will contain sensitive issuse like Rag stuff and SCMC...i dont want my word to be use against me but i also want my good firends to know wat im going throught so tat they dont feel left out cos i will get busy and have no time for sorry guys
anyways yesterday was dam went to splashdown with jo yi wei and a nice red tee and took some nice of the female organisers had a dam hot body la...very nicely curved and the face not bad also...i was lucky....later had subway for lunch...i love subway was a nice afternoon cos relaxing and chatting with friends...nowadays hardly have the luxury of doing it lor...

me jo judee and yiwei at splashdown...yeah
Later i went for a play called king lear - the avoidance of reminded me of the days when i was doing theatre...i love being on stage or doing productions...u really get to express urself...that is why Rag i have a need to express myself...doing a production will make me whole again...the play touch on why ppl avoid a certain extend it true when lim ka tong says tat it is becos we are too afraid and we feel undeserving of love tat we chose to avoid a certain extend its true...dont want to go too detail cos i will type alot of this is all u are going to get from me about love…
NOW night was really fun team was old birds...sorry to my team who had to endure my exceptional navigation skills....we really follow the actually thing cos i know the roads very well...but the good thing out of it was we go got alot of good pictures....i wish jo or girl could have come it would have been more fun for me if he did...i felt abit left out cos everyone was sing chinese songs...i know the songs la but i dont know how to sing them tats all...its not tat i mind them sing it...i jus dont like to be left out...its very lonely u know...if u get my
Later tat morning took very long too end la…cos no one could find wei sien…Xavier u nut can we stop talking about tampons and the female anatomy…I don’t mind talking about it…but tat morning was jus very off for me…if u don’t know by now I have a very wild imagination…so when u talk about something I can really visualize it and not the 2d kind of visual…I don’t know whether to be turn on or disgusted by our conversation…but im ok now….if u don’t know wat im talking about ask ginny..she manage to capture a picture of my sufferings….lol
Old birds at the wanton stall - lavenda food centre
I really love the bedok reservoir park connector dam roller coster la...dont even have to cycle jus have to ride...if anyone wants to go jus msg me during the holis...i ll bring u there
The Animal
Tried and need to catch up with work
Friday, September 08, 2006
Captain's Log 3 - How now....? about Lionel....i got ask him b4...but i was joking only..tat was very very long ago
Thanks qilin...ya im typing this im ma2215 lecture if u are wondering
The Animal
Change the world
Captain's Log 2 - I really miss my SOW 06 comm

I actually proud to say tat I miss my SOW 06 comm so much tat it actually tears me. If u dont know im not close to my family. My friends are my family. To tell u the truth initial when i join the SOW comm at first i thought i was the seniors one...but sorry to say it wasnt...why i didnt pull out was becos i am a man of my word... when i say i will do something i will really do something unless it compromise my choice to stay has be the best choice i have ever proud to say tat SOW 06 is really my family...and i hope my family will be by my side as i go through the coming year as Rag 07
i have alot planed out for the coming year...i have plan wat i going to do this sem...during the dec holidays...sem2...the 3 month...and even the Final video...But sad to say i

Sorry i keep repeating the VD thingy but im jus anxious about his answer...he ask me to give him the weekend to think about ya hopefull it will be a yes to i can settle down its late really i want to kun liao...thats all for now....all those reading this gd night and i miss u all
The Animal
Vince pls say yes