< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 3 - How now....?

Friday, September 08, 2006


Captain's Log 3 - How now....?

Today very sad...Vince said no to being my VD...trying to get over it...to alot of ppl the post is about the work load...but to me its not...its about the person...when i chose ppl to be in my admin comm it will have to be a person i tat knows me well enough...Im know tat I can handle Rag without a VD...its wheather other ppl would let me do it...now abit low but must move on...i still go alot of things to settle...Rag file is in a mess...dont know how ppl use tat file lor...seriously...the only usefully things are the accounts and the standing order for RAG....

Hmmm...how about Lionel....i got ask him b4...but i was joking only..tat was very very long ago


Thanks qilin...ya im typing this im ma2215 lecture if u are wondering

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