< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 7 - Stay Over party

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Captain's Log 7 - Stay Over party

Yesterday we stayed over night for mass production of the SOW 06 dvd...sad to all the acer comms cmi cant burn...sorry jo make ur life so diffcult...it was fun thought...and i actually found it more productive then home....i dont mind staying over every friday to study...but the problem is that the prep room key dont belong to me... only rong lun can hold the key...so if every friday i ask from him...dam paiseh la....club room air con has been change so ya can stay there if u dont mind

today was 2st official meeting(agm was considered 1st)...quite ok la for now everyone like care free lol...girl was late today...as usually...i wanted to say some stuff to her during the meeting but i couldnt cos my voice too loud scare ppl hear...so girl if u reading this pls remind me i got some stuff to tell u....

JK...i almost forgot ur bday...im dam sorry....i really sux at remember ppl's bday after may...dont know why...i can barely remember daniel's and kanesh's bday la...this is bad...cai u very luck u rememeber urs...i jus sux...lol

i was feeling abit down on the way home jus now...i was thinking of my mom's phone call(she called me on friday)..long time never hear her voice...we hardly get a time to talk to each other on the phone(she immgrate to perth)..havent seen her since last hari raya...so tat about one year ago...sad to say she will only be coming back in november...so i wont see her for hari raya...i think when i meet her again i will cry like mad again...jus too much bottled up emosions...i dont talk at home so it can get lonely sometimes...tats why im hardly at home, home too lonely...unless i want to be a lone that i come home...my greatest fear being lonely...the feeling of emptyness in ur heart is jus very scary....

The Animal
i miss my mom

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