< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 4 - Night Cycling was fun

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Captain's Log 4 - Night Cycling was fun

Yo yo everyone

if u havent notice by now my blog is blocked
lol...so if u can read my blog u are the lucky few who i have given my password to...or manage to crack my codes( i love codes)...lol

anyways why i put password...this blog will contain sensitive issuse like Rag stuff and SCMC...i dont want my word to be use against me but i also want my good firends to know wat im going throught so tat they dont feel left out cos i will get busy and have no time for them...sad...so sorry guys

anyways yesterday was dam fun...la...i went to splashdown with jo yi wei and judee...got a nice red tee and took some nice pic...one of the female organisers had a dam hot body la...very nicely curved and the face not bad also...i was lucky....later had subway for lunch...i love subway la...it was a nice afternoon cos relaxing and chatting with friends...nowadays hardly have the luxury of doing it lor...

me jo judee and yiwei at splashdown...yeah

Later i went for a play called king lear - the avoidance of love...it reminded me of the days when i was doing theatre...i love being on stage or doing productions...u really get to express urself...that is why Rag i have a need to express myself...doing a production will make me whole again...the play touch on why ppl avoid love...to a certain extend it true when lim ka tong says tat it is becos we are too afraid and we feel undeserving of love tat we chose to avoid it....to a certain extend its true...dont want to go too detail cos i will type alot of stuff...so this is all u are going to get from me about love…

NOW night cycling...it was really fun la....my team was old birds...sorry to my team who had to endure my exceptional navigation skills....we really follow the actually thing cos i know the roads very well...but the good thing out of it was we go got alot of good pictures....i wish jo or girl could have come it would have been more fun for me if he did...i felt abit left out cos everyone was sing chinese songs...i know the songs la but i dont know how to sing them tats all...its not tat i mind them sing it...i jus dont like to be left out...its very lonely u know...if u get my drift...lol
Later tat morning took very long too end la…cos no one could find wei sien…Xavier u nut can we stop talking about tampons and the female anatomy…I don’t mind talking about it…but tat morning was jus very off for me…if u don’t know by now I have a very wild imagination…so when u talk about something I can really visualize it and not the 2d kind of visual…I don’t know whether to be turn on or disgusted by our conversation…but im ok now….if u don’t know wat im talking about ask ginny..she manage to capture a picture of my sufferings….lol

Old birds at the wanton stall - lavenda food centre

I really love the bedok reservoir park connector dam power...like roller coster la...dont even have to cycle jus have to ride...if anyone wants to go jus msg me during the holis...i ll bring u there

The Animal
Tried and need to catch up with work

whhahaha... dude! u rocKs.. really!! we didnt gt lost! hee.. and.. aahha.. so sorry.. i was singing english songs too!! but i was behind.. so u couldnt hear me.. whahhaa... ;p jiayou dUde! lets study together!!
its ok girl...i rather here u sing chinese songs then not sing at all...even more sian...lol...remember 2215 is until chapter 3 ok...lol...study hard
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