< Diamond's Log: October 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Captain's Log 19 - Fishies, Mothies, Snailies and Froggies

Today ended out very fun...the whole day yesterday dam taxing for my mind....cos keep think about halloween stuff...then the following morning got mc meeting...our meeting can say quite fun la other then the occsional nagging...we always try to creat scandle for ppl...lol...during lunch i was talking to huiling la...then she mention to me about the honour student friend who is compiling data on moths in singapore...such a database of moths in singapore has never been officially done....i love insects...i told her the if got a chance tat they where going mothing call me along la...i finally got to go to the dbs again to look at fishes..wanted to go there for very long liao but never got a chance....i like to go there look at the fishes...i love marine creatures too....jus happen huiling wanted to see them...after we looked at the fishes...we went down to meet the moth friend...the name is lin or is it lynn...hmmm dont really know....nigel was there too...lol...funny seeing nigel like in front of a comm typing term paper...so studious...lol...anyways lin showed me the moths tat she caught...they were dam nice la...i felt like a kid again....remembering those days where i would make small cages to catch and rear insects...she had i nice collection of beatles but too bad her research wasnt on it....after i saw the bugs...i meet this guy call ruben...he specialize in snails....OMG u should see his collect shells dam cool la...he showed me the diff types snails and the many wierd type of shell.....u should see the shape of it la...u will go like wat the fuck man....he also showed me a snail tat he discovered...the snail is carnvorous and is orange too....its freaking small la...and it will bit a hole in another snail and eat in inside out....lol....jus my luck tat lin let me try a hand at presvsening the moth...i keep breaking they wing la...the moth so blood small....i thought i did a horrble job la but she i was actually quite good for a 1st timer....yeah...lol....later .....hmmm..shit la...its going to be 3am....i go kun liao....i type very slow one...later by the time u know it...it would 4 am....i contiue tmr ok...lol

Friday, October 20, 2006


Captain's Log 18 - Starving

Lol.....it has been a busy busy busy week....couldnt even have time to surf online or check email la...let alone blog...sian...

Im jus very shag...today going to stay over to mug...got no time liao must stuff for finals...i still got another qm paper coming...must not for get its on the 6 of nov....i told jason to remind me again...

I really cant wait for fasting to end...my body is really taking a toil during this pass month...1st i tried to stay at my grandma's place so that i can have proper meals...but after awhile i gave up...cos i have to run around...btw home, school and cai's place....

For the pass 2 weeks i havent had proper meals and i really can feel tat my body is starving....ya la after break fast i got eat la...but u cant expect me to stuff myself...on top of tat my stomach shirnk so i cant really eat alot...i eat a bit and then full liao...

the worst thing is i havent hydrate myself properly for so long...so im forever thisty....cos my stomach so small can really drink much either....like forever stuff and starving....bloody oxymoron...sian....

i feel as if i lack of carbo la...never even eat rice....so sian....lol...can help it la...all the places i go dont have nice stuff to eat except meat....

tmr deepavali...cant wait to got to kanesh place to eat sweets...lol..yeah....

the animal

Friday, October 13, 2006


Captain's Log 17 - test msg

test test test


Thursday, October 12, 2006


Captain's Log 16 - Aquellos Ojos Verdes

Wah im so sorry if i havent reply any of the tags...been watching too much sakura so i barely got time to go blog....paiseh....i love ur msges....hugs and kiss to all...muah muah...lol...yeah!!

Back to my entry ok ok....lol

Aquellos Ojos Verdes - is green eyes in Spanish...it is sang by Nat King Cole

On Tuesday i had ts practical...we were suppose to be practicing our scripts with our partner...my partner's name is amy......she quite chio...character not bad too....anyways instead of doing our lines our tutor Nora told us tat we were going to learn how to dance...this is to see how we react to our partner's actions.... the dance was a simple ballroom dance…. guess wat song we dance too...YES...Aquellos Ojos Verdes ...when i heard the song my heart skipped....when i dance to the song my heart melted...i havent had this felling since my 1st love, Li qing...tat was like 5 years ago...that 1 hour was amazing....as i gaze at amy during the dance...i could picture my lover there in front of me....time stop for tat moment....and i lived forever in tat moment...truly amazing...seriously wat im typing out is really barely scratching the emotion tat i want to describe to u....but if u have been in love b4 u know wat i mean…when I dl the song I will put it on the ‘I love Music’….i got a couple of songs there already…if u want to listen…jus click on the icon with the musical note….for main menu click the 1st button…I hope u enjoy the songs…lol…yeah

The Animal
Dancing among the Stars

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Captain's Log 15 - Dont Read if you have a weak stomach....lol

hi hi

yesterday mid autumn festival so cool so fun...all of us were wearing out school uniform..i didn’t have mind la so I had to borrow from Samuel…thx bro…ORD LOR!!!!..it took me 1hr to get ready la...iron everything nicely some more...lol....i look so guai with tie and all..i change my bag some more lor…cos my orange one didn’t go together with the uniform….lol….jansy didnt want to be seen with me la..she was going like u walk on the other side of the road tat kind of thing...lol....the whole day ppl staring at me but i dont care....all i care is i was having fun...lol….the start of the day I look guai…at lunch time I look like beng…after 5pm I was like a delinquent…lol

the most fun part when we all decide to got to fong seng for dinner in carrying lanterns...dam cool dam fun...i feel like a kid again....yeah!!!!!...lol....when we came back we went to the field to play sparklers...lol....so fun so cool dam nice....run here run there...throw here throw there....yeah!!!!!....yahooo.....cool....lol...really dam fun la

After that we went back to the club room where we talk cock...really talk cock...lol....we talk about the usual stuff until we hit the part about shit la....we talked about shit for like one hour la...i think more then tat....lol...even though it was a disgusting topic we were laugh out pants off la...talking about how ppl dont know how to shit properly and the way we shit....so sick so funny...lol....hahah..yeah....i tell u after tat night i will never see shitting the same way again....lol

i want put some pics but i forgot to get from ginny today so ya now dont have but i jus blog 1st la later when u come again hopefull got

The Animal
The Best Mid Autumn Festival Ever

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Captain's Log 14 - Cai Why u have to Tell me this kind of things b4 i Sleep...sian...lol

Yesterday night or u can say today morning la....it was 145am la....cai msg me on msn....cai is leon...when im online i call him cai...anyways he said something actually many things tat caught my eye...1st he said that "kanesh and me conclude"...wat the hell...when did u guys started talking without me...boh jio...lol...wat are u guys up too huh....lol....anyways the next thing he said is....i too lazy to type u all read ah

sAraLeOn says:

both kanesh n me agree

sAraLeOn says:

u r the type

sAraLeOn says:

who is too energetic

sAraLeOn says:

b4 u can sit down n study

sAraLeOn says:

u must tire yrself out first

the animal - Must be a good Boy says:

wat im dam lazy

sAraLeOn says:


the animal - Must be a good Boy says:

dont like to

sAraLeOn says:

yes tts y u need to run more tire yrself

sAraLeOn says:

so u can be a more simplistic person sit down n study

sAraLeOn says:

u r like tt in jc wad

sAraLeOn says:


i go wat the hell man....i tooo energetic mah....ok la since sec sch i have been flooding myself with activities cos i didnt like to go home la....when i was in jc b4 sch starts i will go to the gym then after sch i will go run ranging for 2.4 to 10km...i never in class even though in sch...i always take part in all sch activities....

-interlude- qilin: yawn...damn sleepy....-slaps herself- no no cannot muz wake up. MUSLIM!! WAKE UP!!!

ya im typing this in 2215 again...lol...im dam tired from yesterday's run...the worst thing was i never eat enough never hydrate enough and never sleep enough....sleepy...zzzz

anyways lets continue...like tat means too energetic mah....hmmm...dont know la....im not very sporty....i jus like to run...its the only thing i can do without needing coordination...my psychomotor dam jia lat one....b4 army every night i go for run..but i dont anymore...

-interlude- qilin: haha muslim can't carry on... too tired to type... ok everybody 5 min toilet break!!!!! :)

-after 5 mins.......-

Hi GUYs Im back yeah!!!!....lol....yeah....lol
as i was saying army kind of put me off working out...well cai knows me well...the other time when we talking about girls....he told me wat kind of girls i like...he was rite on the money....i jus dont like to be label anything...feel as i got something to live up to....
even if someone call me crazy...lol....i jus want to be myself

The Animal
Cant Wait for Friday!!!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006


Captain's Log 13 - Thank You QM

Sad to say but i tio trash by my QM paper today...the whole morning was like shit man...when i came to school i was looking for jason...wanted to talk to him la...cos him and me the only math majors taking QM....lol...anyways i went to CBLC...but he was busy...went back to club room.....met jo there...hang with him for awhile then when for 2108 lecture...lee soon teck was sick so yang yue too over for today...yang yue was my lecturer and tutor for 1102r - calculus in sem 1...i bet u he still remember me la...cos me girl jason and mason always make alot of noise in tutorial class...lol...seeing him bring back memories of sem 1....lol....

okok...later after lecture i talk to jason....really could feel the tension as me and jason perpared to fail the QM paper at 12pm....meeting the phy major earlier didnt help either cos they had the same helpless look on their faces too...b4 the paper we were all joking at who's paper will be the cleanest...lol....doing the paper i was quite relive tat i know tat i wouldnt get a zero...i actually could remember the 2 postulate of qm

it states tat to every measurable property alpha of a physical system, there corresponds a self-adjoint operator A with a complete set of orthogonal eigenfunction and real eigenvalues

wat the hell rite?

i know the 1st i also dont get it...it means tat if any object(molecule or atom) changes state, there is a matrix A tat can represent it....matrix A got a special property which is self-adjoint and other stuff..

i was so free during the paper i got time to doodle…the only good thing tat came out of it is tat it was an eye opener…I now know wat i must do

The Animal

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