< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 18 - Starving

Friday, October 20, 2006


Captain's Log 18 - Starving

Lol.....it has been a busy busy busy week....couldnt even have time to surf online or check email la...let alone blog...sian...

Im jus very shag...today going to stay over to mug...got no time liao must stuff for finals...i still got another qm paper coming...must not for get its on the 6 of nov....i told jason to remind me again...

I really cant wait for fasting to end...my body is really taking a toil during this pass month...1st i tried to stay at my grandma's place so that i can have proper meals...but after awhile i gave up...cos i have to run around...btw home, school and cai's place....

For the pass 2 weeks i havent had proper meals and i really can feel tat my body is starving....ya la after break fast i got eat la...but u cant expect me to stuff myself...on top of tat my stomach shirnk so i cant really eat alot...i eat a bit and then full liao...

the worst thing is i havent hydrate myself properly for so long...so im forever thisty....cos my stomach so small can really drink much either....like forever stuff and starving....bloody oxymoron...sian....

i feel as if i lack of carbo la...never even eat rice....so sian....lol...can help it la...all the places i go dont have nice stuff to eat except meat....

tmr deepavali...cant wait to got to kanesh place to eat sweets...lol..yeah....

the animal

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