< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 16 - Aquellos Ojos Verdes

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Captain's Log 16 - Aquellos Ojos Verdes

Wah im so sorry if i havent reply any of the tags...been watching too much sakura so i barely got time to go blog....paiseh....i love ur msges....hugs and kiss to all...muah muah...lol...yeah!!

Back to my entry ok ok....lol

Aquellos Ojos Verdes - is green eyes in Spanish...it is sang by Nat King Cole

On Tuesday i had ts practical...we were suppose to be practicing our scripts with our partner...my partner's name is amy......she quite chio...character not bad too....anyways instead of doing our lines our tutor Nora told us tat we were going to learn how to dance...this is to see how we react to our partner's actions.... the dance was a simple ballroom dance…. guess wat song we dance too...YES...Aquellos Ojos Verdes ...when i heard the song my heart skipped....when i dance to the song my heart melted...i havent had this felling since my 1st love, Li qing...tat was like 5 years ago...that 1 hour was amazing....as i gaze at amy during the dance...i could picture my lover there in front of me....time stop for tat moment....and i lived forever in tat moment...truly amazing...seriously wat im typing out is really barely scratching the emotion tat i want to describe to u....but if u have been in love b4 u know wat i mean…when I dl the song I will put it on the ‘I love Music’….i got a couple of songs there already…if u want to listen…jus click on the icon with the musical note….for main menu click the 1st button…I hope u enjoy the songs…lol…yeah

The Animal
Dancing among the Stars

ooooooo so romantic. yet another girl in your life!!!!!
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