< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 15 - Dont Read if you have a weak stomach....lol

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Captain's Log 15 - Dont Read if you have a weak stomach....lol

hi hi

yesterday mid autumn festival so cool so fun...all of us were wearing out school uniform..i didn’t have mind la so I had to borrow from Samuel…thx bro…ORD LOR!!!!..it took me 1hr to get ready la...iron everything nicely some more...lol....i look so guai with tie and all..i change my bag some more lor…cos my orange one didn’t go together with the uniform….lol….jansy didnt want to be seen with me la..she was going like u walk on the other side of the road tat kind of thing...lol....the whole day ppl staring at me but i dont care....all i care is i was having fun...lol….the start of the day I look guai…at lunch time I look like beng…after 5pm I was like a delinquent…lol

the most fun part when we all decide to got to fong seng for dinner in carrying lanterns...dam cool dam fun...i feel like a kid again....yeah!!!!!...lol....when we came back we went to the field to play sparklers...lol....so fun so cool dam nice....run here run there...throw here throw there....yeah!!!!!....yahooo.....cool....lol...really dam fun la

After that we went back to the club room where we talk cock...really talk cock...lol....we talk about the usual stuff until we hit the part about shit la....we talked about shit for like one hour la...i think more then tat....lol...even though it was a disgusting topic we were laugh out pants off la...talking about how ppl dont know how to shit properly and the way we shit....so sick so funny...lol....hahah..yeah....i tell u after tat night i will never see shitting the same way again....lol

i want put some pics but i forgot to get from ginny today so ya now dont have but i jus blog 1st la later when u come again hopefull got

The Animal
The Best Mid Autumn Festival Ever

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