Friday, November 17, 2006
Captain's Log 24 - Thank You....u jus made my day
today i feel abit stress cos exam coming and im like very not really studying la cos like i say i was very i look at the ppl online and see who i can chat with la...i ended up talking to charalene...we exchange the usual exam stress greetings and chat about life and stuff la...she ask me if i was going anywhere for holis la...i told her i got rag stuff so cant really go la...something unexpected happen...she ask me "how to sign up rag dancer"...the feeling was overwhealming to know tat i have her support...sometimes i dont really feel that there is support from the rest of the fac la...but actions like this really made a impact..make me want work for the greater good of the fac...she doesnt even have to say the word "i will be for u"...u know as im typing this micheal jackson's "u are not alone" is playing on class 95....sign are everywhere...thank u charalene u really made my day
The Animal
Honoured to Have u on Board
The Animal
Honoured to Have u on Board
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Captain's Log 23 - Weird
SO weird 22 cant be test
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Captain's Log 22 - I scream, U scream, We all scream for ice cream
hmmm very vanilla...its my favour ice cream some more lor...i find very interesting....i am all the things tat i like....the was one time i did wat colour are u test...and i was guess wat i was favour im my favour flavour of ice cream...i love vanilla to the am i predictble or jus know myself very well...u be the judge
Mastering QM
You Are Vanilla Ice Cream |
![]() Your personality is anything but "vanilla" You're a risk taker, who's up for anything new. You go well with anyone and fit into any situation. You are most compatible with rocky road ice cream. |
Mastering QM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Captain's Log 21 - ORD LOR
lol....if u have seen my nick was my last batch ORD
they ord on the 6 of Nov...i can remember it as clear as day man..the day they came was my very last batch...b4 taking them i kena 2 unexpected things happen to me....our liao pan(al capitan iskandar)was posting out...even though we all dont like him...we know how he worked...some more its our last batch we didnt want to work so hard cos the new oc want to impress is boss...we got enough of it for brown cow(still talking about al capitan iskandar)....the second thing was...benny taking over my platoon...ok wasnt really a shock la tat he took my platoon....i was jus trying to prevent the inevitable come la....its becos of the culture of ninja tat benny was most sutied for platoon 4...sad to say all the werid pc take tat me was gary...SOW 05 increadble least i got promoted to platoon 2...well not really are real promotion is jus how we see it....from platoon 4(weird) to platoon 2(normal) 2 suppose to be the nice guy la...but too not...i was running a plt with no ps la...Warrent Sahib had to come will remind me everyday how messy is old office has become....sorry buddy....hey chow u know my posters from my office are still around...i put them on the wall of my still got the movent chart with pamela last batch was my favour batch....even though they are weak and a bunch of maybe cos i bond with them...i still keep in contact with some of them...i wasnt as harsh to them as my poly batch...i still remember my review from the rec for tat batch...some thing the devil...or spawn of satan...and i was proud tat my show parade was officially the worst punishments tat u can ever have from me...muahahahahahha...i was evil back then...but the last batch i was much better....maybe cos i need to be there for chow...had to be the sane...chow(2ic) was try to settle all the arrows from the top...mao mao clearing leave and of cos benny...the worst thing was sim got attach so still honeymoon platoon 4 basically had no pc and no ps...sad to that time really felt tat all my hard work of bring platoon 4 name up was going down the drain....i miss those days when it was the fanatic 4 jus running the show- vince(2ic), chow, mao mao and me...somehow when the 4 of us run the show...i felt as if we could take on me ninja was at its prime than with brown cow....the liao chow specs and the sin chow specs very bonded...brown cow less irritating....and the 4 of us...i always wonder how it was like during gui's time...gui ren ping the was really pressurizing to live up to a legend....but i remember the day after the range ended...the specs wedgey me until my underwear torn...they were new for goodness sake...tat that is why so hard to tare...the feel was great..finally acceptance from the specs...anto came up to me and shook my hand...he said well done sir...i was holding my back my tears....its was the hardest thing tat i ever worked for in my life....their respect....
some highlight from my last batch
My bench
Samuel's "PTI Darryl is dam HOT"
Sleeping with in rec bunk
16 KM special....i got the previlage to do....
Solo stealing my platoon's equipment at old palm plantation
Jeffery's "up to u"
My forture cat...huat ah
wan song...forever ready
robbie...cocky as hell
Mark Tay
Soon Kok...irritating voice
Lionel... pride and joy...even though u screw up company best interview...kick u kick u
Strip Search
Movement Theory
Never seen Kenneth so piss b4
Never seen CHow so piss b4
FUCKING benny during range
NO REC GOT CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Animal
they ord on the 6 of Nov...i can remember it as clear as day man..the day they came was my very last batch...b4 taking them i kena 2 unexpected things happen to me....our liao pan(al capitan iskandar)was posting out...even though we all dont like him...we know how he worked...some more its our last batch we didnt want to work so hard cos the new oc want to impress is boss...we got enough of it for brown cow(still talking about al capitan iskandar)....the second thing was...benny taking over my platoon...ok wasnt really a shock la tat he took my platoon....i was jus trying to prevent the inevitable come la....its becos of the culture of ninja tat benny was most sutied for platoon 4...sad to say all the werid pc take tat me was gary...SOW 05 increadble least i got promoted to platoon 2...well not really are real promotion is jus how we see it....from platoon 4(weird) to platoon 2(normal) 2 suppose to be the nice guy la...but too not...i was running a plt with no ps la...Warrent Sahib had to come will remind me everyday how messy is old office has become....sorry buddy....hey chow u know my posters from my office are still around...i put them on the wall of my still got the movent chart with pamela last batch was my favour batch....even though they are weak and a bunch of maybe cos i bond with them...i still keep in contact with some of them...i wasnt as harsh to them as my poly batch...i still remember my review from the rec for tat batch...some thing the devil...or spawn of satan...and i was proud tat my show parade was officially the worst punishments tat u can ever have from me...muahahahahahha...i was evil back then...but the last batch i was much better....maybe cos i need to be there for chow...had to be the sane...chow(2ic) was try to settle all the arrows from the top...mao mao clearing leave and of cos benny...the worst thing was sim got attach so still honeymoon platoon 4 basically had no pc and no ps...sad to that time really felt tat all my hard work of bring platoon 4 name up was going down the drain....i miss those days when it was the fanatic 4 jus running the show- vince(2ic), chow, mao mao and me...somehow when the 4 of us run the show...i felt as if we could take on me ninja was at its prime than with brown cow....the liao chow specs and the sin chow specs very bonded...brown cow less irritating....and the 4 of us...i always wonder how it was like during gui's time...gui ren ping the was really pressurizing to live up to a legend....but i remember the day after the range ended...the specs wedgey me until my underwear torn...they were new for goodness sake...tat that is why so hard to tare...the feel was great..finally acceptance from the specs...anto came up to me and shook my hand...he said well done sir...i was holding my back my tears....its was the hardest thing tat i ever worked for in my life....their respect....
some highlight from my last batch
My bench
Samuel's "PTI Darryl is dam HOT"
Sleeping with in rec bunk
16 KM special....i got the previlage to do....
Solo stealing my platoon's equipment at old palm plantation
Jeffery's "up to u"
My forture cat...huat ah
wan song...forever ready
robbie...cocky as hell
Mark Tay
Soon Kok...irritating voice
Lionel... pride and joy...even though u screw up company best interview...kick u kick u
Strip Search
Movement Theory
Never seen Kenneth so piss b4
Never seen CHow so piss b4
FUCKING benny during range
NO REC GOT CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Animal
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Captain's Log 20 - Emosionally drained
Yesterday was a horrid horrid horrid day....hey now is was thursday....but u know wat i mean la
i had a horrid weekend....sat was mc took long enough...then went frogging with nigel...the sunday slept awhile then came back to sch and perpare stuff for halloween the slept at 3am in the least space was very nice and cosy to sleep in...monday was halloween i was so shag tat i was like throwing tanterns at jo and yuhan....i hope i controls it enough tat i wasnt so irritating lol...the tuesday halloween again...pack up like no mcs came la....the only mcs tat was there was me john cuiting and alvin...tuesday night concuss again...waste 4 freaking whole days worth of studying time....sian...but tat wasnt the worst part....
i was rushing to school one thursday...cos i wake up pretty late and i didnt want to be late for ts lecture...its my favourate this sem....on the train i was looking through the msges i recieve the pass few day....i realise my friends asked me how i was doing or anything lor...really wat the hell la...not as if u dont know tat i was flooded with stuff....wat cant even drop me a msg to ask if im or....then i realise something...i realise tat most of my friend i initate it msgs, calls or jus talk cock...its very draining to do this for every single one lor....(and dont u dare include cai kanesh or jk...they are different....they are special)....i felt like this the whole day....tat is the worst part...the was so bad i didnt even care about my ts paper later tat day...
i told jansy wat happen but she didnt seem to get wat i was saying or my be i wasnt clear....
but at least i felt much better when i called girl tat night...she could understand wat i was going through la so...she wanted me to pon school la for the whole of friday....i would love too but too bad cannot...i got like tuition on in the morning...then need to get back my 2108 mid term and meet with dean in the late afternoon so was packed...thx girl...hugs and kisses with loads of haagen-dazs Baileys® Irish cream and mint chip ice cream
for those who let me be a part of ur life i am truely greatfull...for those tat doesnt give a dam...u can take my friendship and stuff it up ur bloody ass for all i care
The Animal
have to mugh for QM test again
i had a horrid weekend....sat was mc took long enough...then went frogging with nigel...the sunday slept awhile then came back to sch and perpare stuff for halloween the slept at 3am in the least space was very nice and cosy to sleep in...monday was halloween i was so shag tat i was like throwing tanterns at jo and yuhan....i hope i controls it enough tat i wasnt so irritating lol...the tuesday halloween again...pack up like no mcs came la....the only mcs tat was there was me john cuiting and alvin...tuesday night concuss again...waste 4 freaking whole days worth of studying time....sian...but tat wasnt the worst part....
i was rushing to school one thursday...cos i wake up pretty late and i didnt want to be late for ts lecture...its my favourate this sem....on the train i was looking through the msges i recieve the pass few day....i realise my friends asked me how i was doing or anything lor...really wat the hell la...not as if u dont know tat i was flooded with stuff....wat cant even drop me a msg to ask if im or....then i realise something...i realise tat most of my friend i initate it msgs, calls or jus talk cock...its very draining to do this for every single one lor....(and dont u dare include cai kanesh or jk...they are different....they are special)....i felt like this the whole day....tat is the worst part...the was so bad i didnt even care about my ts paper later tat day...
i told jansy wat happen but she didnt seem to get wat i was saying or my be i wasnt clear....
but at least i felt much better when i called girl tat night...she could understand wat i was going through la so...she wanted me to pon school la for the whole of friday....i would love too but too bad cannot...i got like tuition on in the morning...then need to get back my 2108 mid term and meet with dean in the late afternoon so was packed...thx girl...hugs and kisses with loads of haagen-dazs Baileys® Irish cream and mint chip ice cream
for those who let me be a part of ur life i am truely greatfull...for those tat doesnt give a dam...u can take my friendship and stuff it up ur bloody ass for all i care
The Animal
have to mugh for QM test again