< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 24 - Thank You....u jus made my day

Friday, November 17, 2006


Captain's Log 24 - Thank You....u jus made my day

today i feel abit stress cos exam coming and im like very lost...im not really studying la cos like i say i was very lost...so i look at the ppl online and see who i can chat with la...i ended up talking to charalene...we exchange the usual exam stress greetings and chat about life and stuff la...she ask me if i was going anywhere for holis la...i told her i got rag stuff so cant really go la...something unexpected happen...she ask me "how to sign up rag dancer"...the feeling was overwhealming to know tat i have her support...sometimes i dont really feel that there is support from the rest of the fac la...but actions like this really made a impact..make me want work for the greater good of the fac...she doesnt even have to say the word "i will be for u"...u know as im typing this micheal jackson's "u are not alone" is playing on class 95....sign are everywhere...thank u charalene u really made my day

The Animal
Honoured to Have u on Board

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