< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 22 - I scream, U scream, We all scream for ice cream

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Captain's Log 22 - I scream, U scream, We all scream for ice cream

hmmm very interesting....im vanilla...its my favour ice cream some more lor...i find very interesting....i am all the things tat i like....the was one time i did wat colour are u test...and i was guess wat i was ORANGE...my favour colour....now im my favour flavour of ice cream...i love vanilla to the core....yummmy....lol...so am i predictble or jus know myself very well...u be the judge

You Are Vanilla Ice Cream

Your personality is anything but "vanilla"
You're a risk taker, who's up for anything new.
You go well with anyone and fit into any situation.

You are most compatible with rocky road ice cream.
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?

Mastering QM

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