Yesterday went to play mahjong at jason’s place…wah finially get to see him..this holis bearly meet up with him…the last time I meet him was yaling’s sister xmas concert…it was me, Jason, rui rui and jason’s mom…we played a think 2 rounds then we had a break…I went to may bag and took out my little green frog…good luck charm mah…lol…jason’s mom later came out to the kitchen and say wat I took out…she laugh…during the game she sad Jason got one…it was a hamster…I ask Jason to take out…lol… but didn’t want to…lol…he embaress…lol…but his mom jus went to his room and got it for him…its quite a big hamster..and it squeeks….lol…his mom also took out a stuff doggy for herself…lol…I was going not fair..cos rui rui don’t have one…then I remember my bag got another one…Ziggy!!!...its some neopets alien-looking animal…lol…now we all got one…we all got good luck but the last game Jason got the most…he won 3 times in a row 6.40 then 1.60 then 0.8…oh I forgot to tell u I play with Jason the stakes are higher…the rates is 2^n where n is the no. of tai…tats why can reach 6.4….mc chalet we played
2^(n-1)…his toilet money also more ex…0.3 for kang’s and double is u draw ur own…the animals and flower share the same faith…x0.3….dam ex la…sometimes u can earn more then the person who win the game…lol…pain man…Jason earn 20++…I lost about 13…but we play chips…I told Jason next time we play I want to play min 2 tai with no cap…jus to see the results…lol…I was very close the 13 wonder…i already had 10 title but games end..dam…I was quite surprise when I got the last 9 bamboo…2 was out and one rui rui have….oh well…lol
Later we went for dinner had the beef noodles at the kopitiam at sun plaza…its dam nice…its one of my fravourate…this is the shop…if u happen to be in sembawang and go and try ok…me and Jason was trying to figure out wat was use in the beef brisket tat makes it so nice…hmmm

the shop at sun plaza food court

Yummy beef…yeah...u know the soup also got thick juicy beef generous

This is me
u see the lady behind…she is eating the same thing as me…lol…when she was in front of me in the que…she ask me if I was euroasian…I told her no…she said I was good looking…dam paiseh la…but thx…lol…u know was the funny part we spoken in Chinese…lately I have been doing tat more…subconsciously communicating in Chinese…I think cos I been talking to ppl who don’t really speck English often…like zi yang’s mom and jason’s mom…hmmmm…Just something I notice…to bad I cant find anyone to speak malay too…if I don’t I tell I I will lose it…sad
even thought I had fun tat day but it was rather sad new year…on the eve suppose to go out with the guys but jk fell sick and kanesh sprain his jk say better stay home…ok lor so I listen…then last we found out there was a bomb last in Bangkok…jk and kanesh suppose to go there today…they cancel their trip… jason got a call from his aunty during mahjong…his grandfather pass away …yesterday a plane went missing…it crashed… …and I argued with a friend…wat a way to start the new year
The Animal
War and beauty
# posted by The Animal @ 1/02/2007 09:22:00 PM