< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 39 - Muso and Mahjong

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Captain's Log 39 - Muso and Mahjong

lol...last few days...i mia cos i was at mc chalet...it was fun...we had it at zi yang's place...its different but i was cool...his house is a sem-d it has 5 toilets and 6 rooms...we had like 5 of the rooms to ourselves...but we stick to 2 rooms only...the living room...where we mahjong all day...the ps2 room..where we muso all day...at 1st it was alvin and shi tat was playing muso(dynasty warrior)...then i took over...i was mind less kill...but we reach a stage where it was diff to pass cos got this very strong general...got high evasion and one hit killer move....lol...we played tat stage at least 10 times...we even tried my stragies...i was suppose to fight him 1st cos at the start my troops and his troops were head on....but one time i decided to chiong top and kill the top general cos easier....guess wat...the gay general clear our bottom army and was hunting me down....wat the hell...i really freak out la....lol...but we manage to pawn him(ie kill him) after 100000 tries..lol...me and shi jun together were unstoppable ...muahahahahah - evil laugh

i was like permanently stuck at the mahjong table most of the time...i long time never play tats why got craving....lol....i like making nice title and finishing dam...feel dam high la...lol...didnt really have good games but got memorable moments....there was one game i need a 3 tong zi to game with 3 points...it was quite early in the game so and that title was out most of it was out...so when zi yang told me he give me one panadol...i blatantly say no...i want 3 many headache more surviver i need 3 panadol...everytime some thow any tong zi...i keep insisting tat i want 3 only...cyantia gave me 9 panadol but i told her tat will kill me too much...lol...yup u guess it someone was foolish enough to give be the title...bao yun...lol...zi yang was like piss...he didnt want to pay....lol...muahahahahahah - evil laugh....

there was one game i played it i was losing super badly...i was stilling at the suai seat....the 1 game of the chalet cyantia sat there and lost 8 buck...the game b4 mine wen guan lost 12 bucks...half way through the game...i already lost 13 bucks....i could make nice cards but cannot finish...for 8 plays like tat lor....moral dam low la and it was like 5 in the morning...so sleepy...but luck sudden turn around...i cannot for get the tile tat broke the curse...it was a half colour an it was dam chio i tell u i played banboo...and i had 3 fa cai and 3 hong zhong...i won with 4 points...it could have been even more gay shit i tell u....cos jus b4 me was chin hui and she was wondering if she should eat bao yun's 90000 title...but she didnt...instead she drew a title and it was my flower...and the extra title she drew was a the winning title she feed me, hong zhong.....can u see it...if she eat bao yun title i would draw my flower which will increase my title to 4 points and then draw the hong zong to game with 5 points and double my score cos i draw my own title to me max points(10 if no cap)...and everyone will have to pay me 3.20 each...muahahahahha - evil luagh...but it didnt happen la...i jus got 4 points...i earn 80 cents form bau yun and shi jun and 1.60 from chin hui...but the titles were still very chio....after that i had ping hu twice by draw all the card on my own.....ie again max point instead of 4 point...but i didnt earn enough to cover my losses...i still lost 5 buck cos the 2 ping hu i told u..jus b4 i game i got flower or animal...

my half colour chio rite..pong pong hu also will give 2 min points so no diff..but i was close to a full meal...jus short of a bai ban...this is how i arrange it

I still want to make try to make this new set tat cyantia thought me...its called the one dragon...its made out of one suit

one dragon

yeah now i got more kakis to play with...but i hope not to do it during sem...too busy...i know cyantia zi yang cui ting and some others always play during stayover last sem...lol

The Animal
Craving for one dragon

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