< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 38 - 道人

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Captain's Log 38 - 道人

Merry xmas everyone...lol...well its yesterday but nevermind...lol....havent been back home for days lol...since friday..hmmm...today is tuesday...lol...well its not the longest i never been at home...lol..anyways...yesterday suppose to go out with judee jo ginny and yuhan to go watch movie but one by one cancel...so in the end never go out with them...sian...i had to find something to do until i go to cai's place at night...cant go earlier cos cai meeting sara...so i decide to call jk but never ans...sad....called kanesh but he not free...sad...most prob going out with gajae....i was surfing then jk call me back...he say he was too lazy to ans the phone...he was sleeping...ass...lol...so i meeting him about 2pm...i told him i go kun 1st b4 we meet cos yesterday dota until 4.30 am...lol...then wake up at like 8am...lol...when i was sleeping i was pleasantly awaken by phone call by kanesh...yeah..this means gajae need to spend time with family...yeah meeting the guys...less cai...lol...idiot

i meet jk 1st...walk around and jus talk cock..i realise when i comes to holiday i dont excerise...could be the weather...raining cats dogs and elephants...lol...but its more like no motivation...dont like to run alone...but when school start in going to but work out...lol...kanesh too forever to come down la...when i called him at 4pm he wa still at home and he say he will be there at 4.30pm...madness..was he going to do fly here ah....ass...lol...for the 1st time i hear kanesh actual say he want to walk...must be stuck at home too long ....lol

Talk cock the usually stuff la...we got tried so we end to fulliton hotel and chill...lol...jk bring up something i was tell me tat my name if literally translated to chinese means a very pious person....道人...if u dont know by now i have 2 names...one is Muslim Sahib bin Nainam Sahib...i was given this name by my parents...my other alias is Muslim Sahib Torun...Torun is my mom's 2nd husbands surname...why i change my name..well i didnt...i jus came home one day and my mom told me she change my name...i kangaroo kena spotlight for a while..then like watever la do wat every u want...well i like the name have been using it for very long..the 1st name too long...anyways when jk tell me my name being tao ren...was going wat the hell...i never seem to be able to run away from my name...cos "muslim"...means a person who submits to the will go god....lol

i like when he told me sahib is literally translated is 沙河 which is Shahe...sha is sand...
he is river....sand and river goes hand in hand...without either 1, the other wld not exist....jus like kanesh and gajae...

My name is so cool...but im not into religion...im more like spiritual...i believe in god and tat our relationship between u and him is sacred...no has the right to say wat u do is wrong or right when it comes to ur acts...only he knows wat u are going thought and only he will understand...im not saying tat if u do something wrong its ok...im saying tat he will judge and u will know if he approves or not...tat all...

Oh well...girl got me something when she went to Australia..cant wait to see wat it is...she sounded excited to show me wat its....b4 she left she ask me wat i want but i told her jus get anything tats screams my name....u know its not necessary have to be orange u know...im not suppose to say anything cos i dont think she got for other ppl...so u all hush hush ok...lol...miss her...cant wait to see her for mc chalet...

The Animal
Carol of the Bells

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