< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 34 - Heroes

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Captain's Log 34 - Heroes

Heroes is a new tv series by nbc...according to kanesh it is base on a marvel comic of the same name...i saw the ad on heroes on starworld when i was at my grandma's...i thought i looked cool but it was a short 20s plus i dont have cable..so i didnt think much of it...the next day i was talking to Russell...one of my last batch recs...we where talking about tv shows la...he ask me to watch heroes...now it was getting attention...i look for it on peekvid.com and i found it...http://tv.peekvid.com/s3022/...the link if u want to watch it...i watch the 1st eps and i was hooked...its bloody brilliant i tell u...its a bit like x man la...ppl having powers and stuff...but the unique thing is tat the characters we portrayed more human....unlike x men which is more fantasy with its state of the art damager room and cheezy costumes...the characters were faced with normal problem...teenage insecurities, drug addiction, dysfunctional families and etc....which made them more relatable...

Each episode will reveal sometime new about the characters or storyline, which will keep u at the edge to ur seat…the whole epsiode is jus fulled with excitement tat leaves u wanting more….its like when u see girls wear something hot and sexy…they reveal enough to make ur mouth water but cover enough to let ur imagination run wild…okok I better not get too carried away…lol

To top it all off, the ending scene of each episode will jus blow ur mind away…u’ll jus go wat the hell!!!...open another window and wait for the next episode to load…lol…I finish watching the 1st season…the 2nd season will only be out in jan so jus have to wait lor…cant wait to watch…I manage to get leon and kanesh to get hooked on the show…muahahahah – evil laugh…but seriously out of 5 stars I would give this show TEN THOUSAND STARS!!!!...a must watch

I hope u will enjoy the show as much as I did..yeah

The Animal
Jo thanks for the ding dang and tora…very nostalgic

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