< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 33 - Daniel Li

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Captain's Log 33 - Daniel Li

Yesterday i when to jurong point..jus hanging with the SOW06 ppl...i was on the way to interchange when i saw daniel...it has been long time since i've seen him...i was very happy to see him...i gave him a hug...i miss him...i have known him sec 1

Daniel was the 1st person tat i ever told about my family problems...he help me lot for being there and having a listening ear...tat time i really felt like shit...parents jus got devoice, moving to an unfimilar area, living alone and money problems...but sad too say i kind of let our friendship drifted apart...i think it was becos he knew too much about me...i know its sounds weird but ya...somehow i felt ashame of my situation and wanted to run away...i knew no one that i felt could relate to wat i was going true at tat time...i jus wanted to run away

Its the same thing tat happen to Lynn...miss her too...we still keep in touch but our friendship was not as personal as it use to be...i really didnt mean for such things to happen to us...as long as im alive i will make right by this 2 ppl...tats a promise

The Animal
God Bless Daniel and Lynn

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