< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 31 - 3.00

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Captain's Log 31 - 3.00

Yesterday me and the guys was dotaing, suddenly jk afk. Abit weird la cos we were having strong opponents, ie he wont afk for no valid reason. 1 min later he ask for my pin for my matric number. My worst fears came. Result are out?! It was an unofficial website. Dont know if its true or not. The url is https://integral.nus.edu.sg/ui/exam2000a.Homepage but it has been remove for now. It was supsious cos the results not suppose to be out so soon and im not suppose to be able to see my results cos i havent full paid my tuition fees. Then again SM(soon meng) said its true cos it was the same unofficial webpage they check their results last sem and it telly with the actual results. All very confusing. I was quite sad when I looked at my grade.

ma2108 - b
ma2215 - b-
qm -c
psyco - c
ts - b-

cap: 3.00

wah so sad cos my cap already so low then drop some more. sian. JK was even more distorted then me. His cap drop to 3.06. He couldnt dota properly. Even thought I owned yesterday with my drow and sniper, my heart was still uneasy. I call jansy this morning, she told me its bull and dont believe it. Oh well this results is already very bad, so im more or less prepared. Any other result will only be better. Pray for the best and expect the worst.

The Animal
My flu is very bad

thanks for your concern, i shld be fine after awhile. u take care too!

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