< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 30 - SWEAT

Friday, December 15, 2006


Captain's Log 30 - SWEAT

On Tuesday i went for SWEAT - Sports camp. I did want to go la, the place so ulu. Lol. But i want to help bao yin out la so i went. Everybody was surprise to see me. The welcome was very nice and warm. I was abit stone tat morning so i dont think i replied them with as much ento as they welcome me la. Some more i was dreading the fact that im going to MC for their bbq tat night. Come on la. if ppl forus u a mic and ask u to talk for at least 2 hours u want mah. I concertrated on my job so i dont have to think of the MCing tat night. lol. Anyway......

We went windsurfing. Uncle Robert, the guy teaching us, he dam pro la...power. U can tell when he speaks tat there was years of experiance behind his words. In the moring I jus stone and chat around with the sports comm. fun and nice ppl. oh lionel was there too. Nus windsurfing club came down to help with windsufing. long time never see tat idiot. lol. Intially i didnt want to go into the water to windsuf cos i dont want to look as if i was free loading. then everybody went. ie the comm too. Windsurfing was fun. I got it at the 1st try. yeah. lol. but stearing was diff, could becos i was very bad with balancing as i move on the board. lol. i was tiring too cos u keep falling in to the water. Lol

At night the MC thingy went well. I manage to find things to say. I basically commented on every tom dick and henry thing. lol. The 1st game was outragous cos it involves licking wipe cream on wierd body parts. the second was ok. its a shim pagent(coss dressing guys). we made nigel cross dress. lol. yeah. his name was or should i say her name was princess. lol. when we could couldnt decide who was the winner, we made then do a dance show down. Sad to say chio bu's tried to turn on the MC. lol. After everything we jus sat around drinking and singing ktv.

Sports camp was fun other tat the wheather tat give the comm tons of problem. There were issues with how they made certain decisions but they are young. they got time to learn. Overall SWEAT was a success. Kudos bao yin and jia hua.

The Animal
Nightmares over Shim Pagent

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