Saturday, December 09, 2006
Captain's Log 27 - e^ipi + 1 = 0
if to u its jus an equation then u have not began the to under stand the beauty of mathematics. Yesterday after everyone(sow06) when back after we meet up, I went to borders. I had to hang around for a while cos leon wasn’t home yet. Anyways I took a couple of books to read. Hmmm let me see if I can remember. Some joke book and 2 math books. I was expecting to read the joke book more but it was the opposite. I finish reading one whole book on math. I was about 200 pages long and I did in 1.5 hours. I jus read the intro and I was hooked. Then book is called “The pleasures of pi,e and other intresting numbers”. The auther Adrian Yeo talked about the beauty of numbers. If u look at the series u see some of them is dam chio let me show u one

When I read the book I was blown away. Amazing truly amazing.
do u know wat is the beauty of this equation, its the fact tat it encompose 4 big areas for mathematics in one equation; geometry, numerical analysis, trigonometry and complex number. The beauty of math. Small things like this makes me want to study it more.
The Animal
God created everything by number, weight and measure. - Isaac Newton

This was the one tat really caught my eye…lol…but there are other much more simpler than this la of cos.

The Animal
God created everything by number, weight and measure. - Isaac Newton