< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 2 - I really miss my SOW 06 comm

Friday, September 08, 2006


Captain's Log 2 - I really miss my SOW 06 comm

I actually proud to say tat I miss my SOW 06 comm so much tat it actually tears me. If u dont know im not close to my family. My friends are my family. To tell u the truth initial when i join the SOW comm at first i thought i was the seniors one...but sorry to say it wasnt...why i didnt pull out was becos i am a man of my word... when i say i will do something i will really do something unless it compromise my principles...my choice to stay has be the best choice i have ever made...im proud to say tat SOW 06 is really my family...and i hope my family will be by my side as i go through the coming year as Rag 07

i have alot planed out for the coming year...i have plan wat i going to do this sem...during the dec holidays...sem2...the 3 month...and even the Final video...But sad to say i cant tell anyone...i have already told judee(my treasure) and jansy(my secatary) but i really need a vd...my options were sk, vince and jo...jo and sk are out of the picture becos of personal reason...i really hope i manage to pull vince....cos he is really someone i know i confine to...i need him to be my resident sort muslim out machine...cos if u havent been under me b4 u dont really know how i work....why vince?...cos he has seen the true me... I really need to settle down with work if i dont then im really going to suffer...i dont want my cap to go down...its already as bad as it is...3.17...i want to hit 3.5 by the end of sem2...i still got alot of planning to do for Rag...No vd means i cant settle down for Rag....

Sorry i keep repeating the VD thingy but im jus anxious about his answer...he ask me to give him the weekend to think about it....so ya hopefull it will be a yes to i can settle down its late really i want to kun liao...thats all for now....all those reading this gd night and i miss u all

The Animal
Vince pls say yes

You can always give Vince some English lessons on how to say yes.. Haha.. Who's Vince anyway?
lol...vince is my 2ic in ns...his really very good...and his very committed person...sadly tat is why he said no
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