< Diamond's Log: Captain's Log 1 - Logorrhea is spelled "MUSLIM"

Monday, August 28, 2006


Captain's Log 1 - Logorrhea is spelled "MUSLIM"

lol....my very first entrie all those that cant understand wat im writing later on cos u sux...lol
no la cos my spelling bad liao....lol
anyways today was a draggy day but ended off dam nice la...lol
initially i didnt want to go and watch ahkira and the bee but becos girl do the sad face tats why i went...and it was great...the whole theater was all sci students....i was making alot of noise la...
it was me marc girl and xavier sitting together...the seats are dam big la...the theater is dam old la....the whole show we jus clapping for the contestents in the movie...lol...then later ahkira had to spell the logorrhea the meaning is to talk non stop ie verbal diearrhea....lol...then yan bin went it spelled "MUSLIM"....lol....well its true lor.....there was and asia family in the show too...the father really talk like hongki...34.50....lol
I like sitting in marc's car on as quite as other cars....at least i got someone who actually sing when they hear nice music....yeah....okok
i got to go

The Animal

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